# Upgrade notes

We're trying to keep the upgrade process as easy as possible. Unfortunately, sometimes manual code changes are required. Before pulling out the latest version, please take a look at the upgrade notes below:

# 1.11 -> 1.12

Most of the changes added to 1.12 are backward compatible. To enable the new features (mostly the optimization features) please follow the steps described below.

Remove bodybuilder and compact API responses

The new search adapter api-search-query has been added. When you switch to it, by setting the config.server.api = "api-search-query" the ElasticSearch query is being built in the vue-storefront-api (opens new window) which saves around 400kB in the bundle size as bodybuilder is no longer needed in the frontend.

This new api-search-query adapter supports the response_format query parameter which now is sent to the /api/catalog endpoint. Currently there is just one additional format supported: response_format=compact. When used, the response format got optimized by: a) remapping the results, removing the _source from the hits.hits; b) compressing the JSON fields names according to the config.products.fieldsToCompact; c) removing the JSON fields from the product.configurable_children when their values === parent product values; overall response size reduced over -70%.

Re-enable amp-renderer

The amp-renderer module has been disabled by default to save the bundle size; If you'd like to enable it uncomment the module from the src/modules and uncomment the product-amp and category-amp links that are added to the <head> section in the src/themes/default/Product.vue and src/themes/default/Category.vue

Check entity optimization settings

Cart optimization was earlier disabled automatically if entity optimization was disabled. Now they can be used independently from each other. If you don't want to use cart optimization, make sure that the entities.optimizeShoppingCart configuration entry is disabled explicitly.

deprecated actions and helpers

Product module has been refactored, here is list of actions that are not used anymore and you can remove them to reduce bundle.

  • deprecated actions:

    • product/reset
    • product/setupBreadcrumbs
    • product/syncPlatformPricesOver
    • product/setupAssociated
    • product/loadConfigurableAttributes
    • product/setupVariants
    • product/filterUnavailableVariants
    • product/list
    • product/preConfigureAssociated
    • product/preConfigureProduct
    • product/configureLoadedProducts
    • product/configureBundleAsync
    • product/configureGroupedAsync
    • product/configure
    • product/setCurrentOption
    • product/setCurrentErrors
    • product/setOriginal
    • product/loadProductAttributes
    • category/list (new action is category-next/fetchMenuCategories)
  • deprecated helpers:

    • configureProductAsync
    • populateProductConfigurationAsync
    • setConfigurableProductOptionsAsync

Here is list of actions that are used from 1.12 in product module:

  • product/doPlatformPricesSync
  • product/single
  • product/checkConfigurableParent
  • product/findProducts
  • product/findConfigurableParent
  • product/setCustomOptions
  • product/setBundleOptions
  • product/setCurrent
  • product/loadProduct
  • product/addCustomOptionValidator
  • product/setProductGallery
  • product/loadProductBreadcrumbs
  • product/getProductVariant

All of those actions and helpers that are deprecated, can be removed so you will have smaller bundle. Comment those lines:

  • core/modules/catalog/store/product/actions.ts:318
  • core/modules/catalog/helpers/index.ts:14-18
  • core/modules/catalog-next/store/category/actions.ts:265

# 1.10 -> 1.11

This is the last major release of Vue Storefront 1.x before 2.0 therefore more manual updates are required to keep external packages compatible with 1.x as long as possible.

  • src/modules/index.ts was renamed to client.ts, exported property was renamed to registerClientModules
  • Output compression module has been added; it's enabled by default on production builds; to disable it please switch the src/modules/server.ts configuration
  • The formatCategoryLink (opens new window) now supports multistore - adding the storeCode when necessary; it could have caused double store prefixes like /de/de - but probably only in the Breadcrumbs (#3359)
  • All modules were refactored to new API. You can still register modules in previous format until 2.0
  • DroppointShipping and magento-2-cmsmodules were deleted
  • example modules moved to https://github.com/vuestorefront/vsf-samples
  • core/helpers/initCacheStorage.ts merged with StorageManager.ts (import path alias for backward compatibility added)
  • Old extensions mechanism (before VS 1.4) was finally removed after being deprecated for almost a year (src/extensions removal)
  • Cache collections were reorganized. In most cases Local Storage keys remained untouched, only collection keys were unified. also they're used only in the core. Posting changes in case someone is using those collections in their modules;
    • syncTaskCollection renamed to syncTasks
    • compareCollection renamed to compare
    • cmsData renamed to cms
    • cartsCollection renamed to carts
    • checkoutFieldValues, checkoutFieldsCollection renamed to checkout (checkoutFieldsCollection wasn’t used)
    • ordersCollection and orders renamed to just orders (ordersCollection wasn’t used)
    • elasticCacheCollection renamed to elasticCache
    • usersCollection usersData merged and renamed to user
    • attributesCollection, attributes renamed to just attributes
    • ordersHistoryCollection merged to user cache where it belongs
    • categoriesCollection renamed to categories
    • Collections in theme like claimsCollection (claims modules) remained untouched
  • UserOrder component has been renamed to UserOrderHistory and moved from src/modules/order-history/components/UserOrders to @vue-storefront/core/modules/order/components/UserOrdersHistory. This component was used in MyOrders component found here: src/themes/default/components/core/blocks/MyAccount/MyOrders.vue. In this file the import path has to be updated.
  • claims, promoted-offers, homepage and ui modules have been moved from @vue-storefront/src/modules to src/themes/default/store/ and reduced to stores only.
    Delete those folders:
    -- src/modules/claims
    -- src/modules/promoted-offers
    -- src/modules/homepage
    -- src/modules/ui-store
    Copy folder theme/store/ from theme default.
    Register the stores copied in previous step in src/themes/default/index.js. To do that, import them along with StorageManager method, used to replace claims beforeRegistration hook.
import { StorageManager } from '@vue-storefront/core/lib/storage-manager';
import { store as claimsStore } from 'theme/store/claims'
import { store as homeStore } from 'theme/store/homepage'
import { store as uiStore } from 'theme/store/ui'
import { store as promotedStore } from 'theme/store/promoted-offers'

Next, inside initTheme method use store.registerModule method to register the stores.

store.registerModule('claims', claimsStore);
store.registerModule('homepage', homeStore);
store.registerModule('ui', uiStore);
store.registerModule('promoted', promotedStore);
  • WebShare moved from @vue-storefront/core/modules/social-share/components/WebShare.vue to @vue-storefront/src/themes/default/components/theme/WebShare.vue. This component was used in Product component found here: src/themes/default/pages/Product.vue. In this file the import path has to be updated.

  • We've fixed the naming strategy for product prices; The following fields were renamed: special_priceInclTax -> special_price_incl_tax, priceInclTax -> price_incl_tax, priceTax -> price_tax; The names have been kept and marked as @deprecated. These fields will be removed with Vue Storefront 2.0rc-1.

  • We've decreased the localStorage quota usage + error handling by introducing new config variables:

  • config.products.disablePersistentProductsCache to not store products by SKU (by default it's on). Products are cached in ServiceWorker cache anyway so the product/list will populate the in-memory cache (cache.setItem(..., memoryOnly = true));

  • config.seo.disableUrlRoutesPersistentCache - to not store the url mappings; they're stored in in-memory cache anyway so no additional requests will be made to the backend for url mapping; however it might cause some issues with url routing in the offline mode (when the offline mode PWA installed on homescreen got reloaded, the in-memory cache will be cleared so there won't potentially be the url mappings; however the same like with product/list the ServiceWorker cache SHOULD populate url mappings anyway);

  • config.syncTasks.disablePersistentTaskQueue to not store the network requests queue in service worker. Currently only the stock-check and user-data changes were using this queue. The only downside it introduces can be related to the offline mode and these tasks will not be re-executed after connectivity established, but just in a case when the page got reloaded while offline (yeah it might happen using ServiceWorker; syncTasks can't be re-populated in cache from SW)

  • We've moved files from /store/lib to /lib. Basically to use it from the new directory you have to import now from @vue-storefront/core/lib/store/ instead of @vue-storefront/core/store/lib/. These core files got changed:


If by some reasons you wan't to have the localStorage back on for Products by SKU, Url Routes and SyncTasks - please just set these variables back to false in your config/local.json.

  • New page-not-found handling requires to update router/index.js in the theme.
  • The option config.ssr.lazyHydrateFor with category-next.products value was introduced which is responsible for hydrating products list and loading them only on client side. It means there is no category products in the __INITIAL__STATE__. It's enabled by default.
  • The modules: Review, Mailer, Order, RecentlyViewed, InstantCheckout are no longer loaded by default in the main bundle as they are loading on-demand on the related pages.
  • Authentication guard was moved from user module router to MyAccount pages mixin.
  • The getters cmsBlocks, cmsBlockIdentifier, cmsBlockId are deprecated. Please use getCmsBlocks, getCmsBlockIdentifier, getCmsBlockId instead.
  • Translations for "Order #", "Price ", "Select size ", "You are logged in as" and "items" changed, they now include a placeholder for the value. Please refer to this commit (opens new window) in order to adjust them, otherwise they might get lost.
  • i18n.currencySignPlacement config value is replaced by i18n.priceFormat so price format becomes more flexible
  • Theme initialization needs to be modified in customized themes
    • Delete the line RouterManager.addRoutes(routes, router, true). This is now handled in setupMultistoreRoutes, including the default store.
    • Optionally give theme routes priority, to ensure they override module routes if there are any conflicts. For example setupMultistoreRoutes(config, router, routes, 10).
    • See /src/themes/default/index.js for a complete example.
  • In storeView config there is no more disabled flag for specific language config. Links for other languages will be displayed if specific storeView config exist.
  • Categories can be filtered globally, to never be loaded, by setting entities.category.filterFields in local.json, e.g. "filterFields": { "is_active": true }.
  • Categories can be filtered in the Breadcrumbs, by setting entities.category.breadcrumbFilterFields in local.json, e.g. "breadcrumbFilterFields": { "include_in_menu": true }.

# 1.10 -> 1.10.4

We've decreased the localStorage quota usage + error handling by introducing new config variables:

  • config.products.disablePersistentProductsCache to not store products by SKU (by default it's on). Products are cached in ServiceWorker cache anyway so the product/list will populate the in-memory cache (cache.setItem(..., memoryOnly = true));
  • config.seo.disableUrlRoutesPersistentCache - to not store the url mappings; they're stored in in-memory cache anyway so no additional requests will be made to the backend for url mapping; however it might cause some issues with url routing in the offline mode (when the offline mode PWA installed on homescreen got reloaded, the in-memory cache will be cleared so there won't potentially be the url mappings; however the same like with product/list the ServiceWorker cache SHOULD populate url mappings anyway);
  • config.syncTasks.disablePersistentTaskQueue to not store the network requests queue in service worker. Currently only the stock-check and user-data changes were using this queue. The only downside it introuces can be related to the offline mode and these tasks will not be re-executed after connectivity established, but just in a case when the page got reloaded while offline (yeah it might happen using ServiceWorker; syncTasks can't be re-populated in cache from SW)

If by some reasons you wan't to have the localStorage back on for Products by SKU, Url Routes and SyncTasks - please juset set these variables back to false in your config/local.json.

# 1.9 -> 1.10

  • Event application-after-init is now emitted by event bus instead of root Vue instance (app), so you need to listen to Vue.prototype.$bus (EventBus.$on()) now
  • The lowest supported node version is currently 8.10.0,
  • Module Mailchimp is removed in favor of Newsletter. local.json configuration under key mailchimp moved to key newsletter.
  • In multistore mode now there is a possibility to skip appending storecode to url with appendStoreCode config option. To keep the original behavior, it should be set to true. - @lukeromanowicz (#3048).
  • The cart/addItem is no longer displaying the error messages - please use the diffLog.clientNorifications to update the UI instead (take a look at the AddToCart.ts for a reference)
  • Please make sure your AddToCart.vue component has the notifyUser method defined for showing the errors / success messages while adding to the cart. The default implementation is:
    notifyUser (notificationData) {
      this.$store.dispatch('notification/spawnNotification', notificationData, { root: true })
  • The getter cart/totals has been replaced with cart/getTotals - @pkarw (#2522)
  • The getter cart/coupon has been replaced with cart/getCoupon - @pkarw (#2522)
  • The getter cart/totalQuantity has been replaced with cart/getItemsTotalQuantity - @pkarw (#2522)

# 1.8 -> 1.9

  • The Url Dispatcher feature added for friendly URLs. When config.seo.useUrlDispatcher set to true the product.url_path and category.url_path fields are used as absolute URL addresses (no /c and /p prefixes anymore). Check the latest mage2vuestorefront snapshot and reimport Your products to properly set url_path fields
  • cart.multisiteCommonCart config property changed to storeViews.commonCache
  • Way of creating VS Modules was changed to use factory method instead of explict object creation. Even though the feature is backward compatible we highly encourage all developers to refactor their modules to use new syntax.

The process of creating a new module with the factory method looks like the following:

import { createModule } from '@vue-storefront/core/lib/module'

const moduleConfig: VueStorefrontModuleConfig = {
  // VS module config

const module = createModule(moduleConfig)
  • @vue-storefront/store package has been depreciated. Just change imports to @vue-storefront/core/store.
  • breadCrumbRoutes helper has been refactored to formatBreadCrumbRoutes
  • orders which fail validation in API are assumed to have http code 400 instead of 500
  • notification message about invalid order address now uses email configured in mailer section instead of hardcoded one
  • Added validation for UTF8 alpha and alphanumeric characters in most checkout fields
  • Update your local.json config and set default api.url path, without it you may have problems with elasticsearch queries.

# Troubleshooting

  • In case of CORS problem after upgrade check your elasticsearch url in config file. Best practice for that change can be found here (opens new window)

  • In case of app crashing, especially when opening vue devtools in browser, try setting storeViews.commonCache to false.

# 1.7 -> 1.8

Full changelog is available here (opens new window)

  • store/types have moved to new module named core/types.
  • store/lib/search has been moved to core/lib/search.
  • store/lib/multistore.ts has been [moved] to (https://github.com/patzick/vue-storefront/commit/d42cdc44fc204dd10b173894d52dbeff244913f5#diff-87917f882ffc57fb755b1cc82ffa9e28L11) to core/lib/multistore.ts
  • new styles (opens new window) file for form elements
  • Removed unused src/themes/default/filters/index.js file. Check if you're not using it as well.
  • src/themes/default/resource/head.js has been moved to src/themes/default/head.js
  • src/themes/default/index.basic.template.html has been moved to src/themes/default/templates/index.basic.template.html
  • src/themes/default/index.minimal.template.html has been moved to src/themes/default/templates/index.minimal.template.html
  • src/themes/default/index.template.html has been moved to src/themes/default/templates/index.template.html

# 1.6 -> 1.7

Starting from Vue Storefront 1.7, we changed the caching strategy and offline-ready features:

  • By default, the Elasticsearch Queries are executed using GET method and therefore are cached by Service Worker (config.elasticsearch.queryMethod — set it to POST for the previous behavior and if you're using graphql).
  • By default, products and queries cache is set in LocalStorage with a quota set to 4MB (config.server.elasticCacheQuota). If the storage quota is set, the cache purging is executed every 30 seconds using the LRU algorithm. Local Storage is limited to 5MB in most browsers.
  • We added config.server. disablePersistentQueriesCache, which is set to true by default. When this option is on, we're not storing the Elasticsearch results in the local cache because results are by default cached in the Service Worker cache anyway.
  • module.extend has been changed to extendModule. You can find usage examples in src/modules/index.ts.
  • routes (opens new window), layouts (opens new window), and component, which are not visible at page rendering are now loaded when they are needed.
  • Every store manipulation should be done by dispatching actions. Invoke store dispatch on category/mergeSearchOptions when manipulating store.state.category.current_product_query somewhere.
  • here (opens new window) are all changes in default themes

Backward compatibility: To reverse to the 1.0–1.6 behavior:

  • Set config.server.disablePersistentQueriesCache = false,
  • Set config.elasticsearch.queryMethod = POST
  • Set config.localForage.defaultDrivers.elasticCache = INDEXEDDB

NOTE: Offline mode may not work properly in development mode (localhost) because of Service Workers and lack of bundle prefetching (bundles lazy loading).

With 1.7, the number of attribute descriptors that are loaded on the product page is limited and dynamically adjusted to the fields used in the product. This behavior shouldn't have any negative impact on your app; however, if you haven’t used the attribute/list action explicitly based on all attributes loaded by default (up to 1.6), this may cause problems. You can switch off the dynamic loader by setting the config.entities.product.useDynamicAttributeLoader=false. Details: #2137 (opens new window)

Dynamic Categories prefetching (#2076). Starting with Vue Storefront 1.7, we added a configuration option config.entities.category.categoriesDynamicPrefetch (by default set to true). TThis option switches the way the category tree is being fetched. Previously, we were fetching the full categories tree. In some cases, it can generate even a few MB of payload. Currently with this option in place, we're pre-fetching the categories on demand while the user is browsing the category tree.

NOTE: Since we're no longer generating category.slug client-side, we need to have category.url_key field unique. If Your Magento2 url_keys are unique it will work without any changes. If not - please do use mage2vuestorefront (opens new window) to re-import the categories. There is a new categories importer option --generateUniqueUrlKeys which is set to true by default.

With the new modules architecture available from 1.6 we've updated the payment modules guide (opens new window). If You've used the custom payment (and basically any other) extensions please make sure You've already ported them to new modules architecture (opens new window).

# 1.5 -> 1.6

With 1.6, we introduced new modular architecture and moved most of the theme-specific logic from the core to the default theme. It's probably the biggest update in VS history and the first step to making future upgrades more seamless.

Due to architectural changes, core/components and core/store/modules folders were removed and reorganised into modules ( core/modules). In most cases, the components API remained the same (if not, we provided an API bridge in core/compatibility/components folder which allows you to benefit from new features without making changes in your theme). It's a good idea to look for imports referring to deleted folders after migration to be sure that we made a full update.

Overall, the theme upgrade for the default theme requires 105 files to be changed, but 85% of these changes are just a new import paths for the core component, which makes this update time-consuming, but easy to follow and not risky.

Here (opens new window) you can find detailed information (as an upgrade commit with notes) about what needs to be changed in the theme to support VS 1.6.

# Global changes

  • Notifications are now based on Vuex Store instead of Event Bus. We also pulled hardcoded notifications from core to theme.

Change every component:




Change every store:




and make sure you are importing rootStore.

  • Lazy loading for non-SSR routes is now available.

You can now use dynamic imports to lazy load non-SSR routes (opens new window). You can find examples from the default theme here (opens new window)

  • Extensions are now rewritten to modules (and the extensions system will be depreciated in 1.7).

If you haven't modified any extensions directly, you don't need to change anything. If you made such changes, you probably need to rewrite your extension to a module.

  • The old event bus is moved to the compatibility folder. From now we are trying to create new features without it and slowly depreciate the event bus whenever possible. It'll be replaced with some enhanced module-based mechanism with event autosuggestion support.

Change all @vue-storefront/core/plugins/event-bus imports to @vue-storefront/core/compatibility/plugins/event-bus

# Components that were moved or the API was changed and the compatibility component was created.

Required action: Change the import path. In case of additional changes click on a component name to see how to update.

# Components that were moved from core to theme

Required action: Add moved content and remove core import. In case of additional changes, click on a component name to see how to update.

# Other

# 1.4 -> 1.5

# Modifications

# New Modules API

With 1.5.0, we introduced a new, heavily refactored modules API. We tried to keep the old theme components backward compatible, so now you can view some "mock" components in the /core/components referencing to the /modules/<module>/components original. Please read how modules work and are structured to check if it implies any changes to your theme. Though it may seem like a lot of changes (a lot of files were added/removed/renamed), it should not impact your custom code.

# New Newsletter module

The existing newsletter-integration module was pretty chaotic and messy. @filrak has rewritten it from scratch. If you've relied on existing newsletter module logic / events / etc., it could have affected your code (low probability).

# Memory leaks fixed

We fixed SSR memory leaks with #1882. It should not affect your custom code, but if you've modified any SSR features, please make sure that everything still works just fine.

# 1.3 -> 1.4

# Modifications

# GraphQL

We added GraphQL support. Please read more on the GraphQL Action Plan. Starting from this release, the bodybuilder package is deprecated. You should use the SearchQuery internal class that can be used against API and GraphQL endpoints. Read more on how to query data.

# SSR: Advanced output and cache

This change does not involve any required actions to port the code, but please be aware that we're supporting SSR Cache (opens new window) + dynamic layout changes (opens new window) etc. If you're using the modified version of the theme, you can hardly use these without updating themes/YourTheme/App.vue to the new format (check the default theme for details).

# Reviews

We added Reviews support, however, Magento 2 is still lacking Reviews support in the REST API. To have reviews up and running, please add the https://github.com/divanteLtd/magento2-review-api to your Magento 2 instance.

# Microcart

  1. We moved core functionalities of coupon codes to API modules:

  2. We moved/renamed methods responsible for UI to the default theme:

    • addDiscountCoupon - toggle coupon form
    • removeCoupon -> clearCoupon - removing coupon by dispatch removeCoupon API method and toggle coupon form
    • applyCoupon -> setCoupon - submit coupon form by dispatch applyCoupon API method
    • enterCoupon - was removed, because @keyup="enterCoupon" we changed to @keyup.enter="setCoupon"
  3. We moved $emit with notification about appliedCoupon and removedCoupon from Vuex store to the default theme. Now applyCoupon and removeCoupon returns promise, which you can handle by yourself.

  4. We moved VueOfflineMixin and onEscapePress mixins to the theme component. The core component is clean from UI stuff now.

  5. We've replaced one method Microcart - cartTotals -> totals

# Assets

  1. We removed the default assets from core/assets. From now on, we only use the assets from your-theme/assets.

# Store

  1. We moved the socialTiles Vuex store from the core to the theme, because it's specific to the theme.

# i18n

  1. We removed all the theme-specific translations for the core.

# 1.2 -> 1.3

# Changes

  1. We removed event emit from client-entry.js with online status information. Instead, we are now using vue-offline (opens new window) mixin. #1494 (opens new window)
  2. We removed the isOnline variable from Microcart.js. Instead, we are now using variables from vue-offline (opens new window) mixin. #1494 (opens new window)

# Upgrade step-by-step

# global.$VS replaced with rootStore and config was moved to config

To get access to rootStore, import it by

import config from 'config'

# cms extenstion was renamed to extension-magento2-cms

Import of CmsData must be changed in CustomCmsPage.vue component to:

import CmsData from '@vue-storefront/extension-magento2-cms/components/CmsData'

# 1.1 -> 1.2 (release notes (opens new window))

There were no breaking-changes introduced. No special treatment needed 😃

# 1.0 -> 1.1 (release notes (opens new window))

# Modifications

# Plugins registration simplified

Instead of exporting an object in {theme}/plugins/index.js just use Vue.use(pugin) directly in this file ( docs (opens new window) )

# Microcart logic moved to API module (partially)

Starting from Microcart, we are moving most of the logic to core modules along with unit testing them. Read more (opens new window).

Changes that happened in Microcart.js core component and Microcart.vue component from default theme:

  • closeMicrocart renamed to closeMicrocartExtend
  • items renamed to productsInCart
  • removeFromCartmethod added to core Microcart

# theme/app-extend.js removed

It was redundant.

# {theme}/service-worker-ext.js moved to {theme}/service-worker/index.js

Now it mirrors core/ folder structure, which is desired behaviour.

# vue-storefront-api docker support has been extended

We added the possibility to run the vue-storefront-api fully in Docker (previously, just the Elastic and Redis images were present in the docker-compose.yml. Please read the README.md (opens new window) for more details.

PLEASE NOTE: We changed the structure of the elasticsearch section of the config files, moving esIndexes to elasticsearch.indices etc. There is an automatic migration that will update your config files automatically by running: yarn migrate in the vue-storefront-api folder.

# Default storage of the shopping carts and user data moved to localStorage

Currently, there is a config option to set up the default local storage configs: https://github.com/vuestorefront/vue-storefront/blob/271a33fc6e712b978e10b91447b05529b6d04801/config/default.json#L148. If you like the previous behavior of storing the carts in the indexedDb, please change the config backend to INDEXEDDB.

# mage2vuestorefront improvements

A lot of improvements have been added to the mage2vuestorefront (opens new window) importer. importer. For example, fixed special_price sync. For such changes, please update mage2vuestorefront (opens new window) and re-import your products. We also added the dynamic on/demand indexing.

# New features

We added vue-progressbar (opens new window) to default theme, which can be found in App.vue file.

# 1.0RC-3 -> 1.0(release notes (opens new window))

This is the official, stable release of Vue Storefront.

  1. We renamed the core/components/*.vue -> the core/components/*.js
  2. We renamed the core/pages/*.vue -> the core/pages/*.js
  3. We removed corePage and coreComponent helpers and created an es-lint rule to migrate the import statements automatically (with --fix parameter)

You should replace the mixin declarations from the previous version:

import { coreComponent } from '@vue-storefront/core/lib/themes';

export default {
  mixins: [coreComponent('blocks/MyAccount/MyOrders')],


import MyOrders from '@vue-storefront/core/components/blocks/MyAccount/MyOrders';

export default {
  mixins: [MyOrders],
  1. We've added Multistore support. It shouldn't imply any breaking changes to the existing themes / extensions (by default it's just disabled).

# 1.0RC-2 -> 1.0RC-3 (release notes (opens new window))

This release contains three important refactoring efforts:

  1. We changed the user-account endpoints and added the token-reneval mechanism, which is configured by config.users.autoRefreshTokens. If set to true and user token will expire, VS will try to refresh it.

  2. We separated the user-account endpoints, so please copy the following defaults from default.json to Your local.json and set the correct API endpoints:

    "users": {
      "autoRefreshTokens": true,
      "endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user",
      "history_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user/order-history?token={{token}}",
      "resetPassword_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user/reset-password",
      "changePassword_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user/change-password?token={{token}}",
      "login_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user/login",
      "create_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user/create",
      "me_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user/me?token={{token}}",
      "refresh_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/api/user/refresh"

The endpoints are also set by the yarn installer so You can try to reinstall VS using this command.

  1. We optimized the performance by limiting the fields loaded each time in JSON objects from the backend. Please review the config/default.jsonand if some fields required / used by your app are missing, copy the following fragment to the config/local.json and add the required fields:
    "entities": {
      "optimize": true,
      "twoStageCaching": true,
      "category": {
        "includeFields": [ "children_data", "id", "children_count", "sku", "name", "is_active", "parent_id", "level" ]
      "attribute": {
        "includeFields": [ "attribute_code", "id", "entity_type_id", "options", "default_value", "is_user_defined", "frontend_label", "attribute_id", "default_frontend_label", "is_visible_on_front", "is_visible", "is_comparable" ]
      "productList": {
        "includeFields": [ "type_id", "sku", "name", "price", "priceInclTax", "original_price_incl_tax", "id", "image", "sale", "new" ],
        "excludeFields": [ "configurable_children", "description", "configurable_options", "sgn", "tax_class_id" ]
      "productListWithChildren": {
        "includeFields": [ "type_id", "sku", "name", "price", "priceInclTax", "original_price_incl_tax", "id", "image", "sale", "new", "configurable_children.image", "configurable_children.sku", "configurable_children.price", "configurable_children.special_price", "configurable_children.price_incl_tax", "configurable_children.special_price_incl_tax", "configurable_children.original_price", "configurable_children.original_price_incl_tax", "configurable_children.color", "configurable_children.size" ],
        "excludeFields": [ "description", "sgn", "tax_class_id" ]
      "product": {
        "excludeFields": [ "updated_at", "created_at", "attribute_set_id", "status", "visibility", "tier_prices", "options_container", "url_key", "msrp_display_actual_price_type", "has_options", "stock.manage_stock", "stock.use_config_min_qty", "stock.use_config_notify_stock_qty", "stock.stock_id",  "stock.use_config_backorders", "stock.use_config_enable_qty_inc", "stock.enable_qty_increments", "stock.use_config_manage_stock", "stock.use_config_min_sale_qty", "stock.notify_stock_qty", "stock.use_config_max_sale_qty", "stock.use_config_max_sale_qty", "stock.qty_increments", "small_image"],
        "includeFields": null

If optimize is set to false, it's a fallback to the previous behaviour (getting all fields).

  1. Another cool feature is twoStageCaching enabled by default. It means that for the Category page, VS is getting only the minimum number of JSON fields required to display the ProductTiles. Shortly after, it downloads the full objects by the second request to store them in the local cache.

  2. We tweaked the Service Worker to better cache the app; it sometimes can generate frustration if your home page is now cached in the SW (previously was not). Feel free to use Clear Storage in your Developers tools 😃

  3. The mage2vuestorefront tool got update and now it's loading the media_gallery with additional media per product. We also put some MediaGallery components on the product page.

7.Product and Category pages got refactored. It's a massive refactoring moving all the logic to the Vuex stores, so if you played with the core fetchData/loadData functions, your code may be affected by this change.

# 1.0RC -> 1.0RC-2 (release notes (opens new window))

This release brings some cool new features (Magento 1.x support, Magento 2 external checkout, My Orders, Discount Codes) together with some minor refactors.

Unfortunately, with the refactors comes two manual changes that need to be applied to your custom themes after the update.

Here You can check an example how did we migrated our own default_m1 theme to RC-2 (opens new window).

  1. We changed ColorButton, SizeButton, PriceButton in the core to ColorSelector, SizeSelector, PriceSelector and added the GenericSelector for all other attribute types. Because of this change, the coreComponent('ColorButton') must be changed to coreComponent('ColorSelector') etc.

  2. We added the Vuex Stores extensibility to the themes. If You're getting the following build error:

ERROR in ./core/store/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'theme/store' in '***/vue-storefront/core/store'

It means, that you need to copy the template store to: <Your custom theme folder>/store.