# Themes in Vue Storefront


This guide is based on default theme before 1.12 version release. General idea and structure addressed here were created based on the pre-1.12 default theme.

Vue Storefront allows you to quickly develop your own themes and use our core business logic. All e-commerce features are implemented in core, so you can easily develop fully working online shop only by writing HTML and CSS and inheriting the business logic from the core. Of course, you can easily modify and extend the core logic in your theme.

You can read more about Vue Storefront core components and how to make use of them here

All themes are located in src/themes folder and you can think about them as separate Vue.js applications that are using Vue Storefront core for out-of-the-box features.

# Switching themes

To use any of the themes located in src/themes, just change the theme property in your config file to name property from package.json file sitting in your theme's root dir. Config files are located in the config folder. You shouldn't make changes in config/default.json. Instead just copy the default.json file to the same folder, name it local.json and make changes there.

# Creating your own themes

To create your own Vue Storefront theme, you can copy and modify the default theme which is fully-styled and ready to work out of the box (it's the one that you can find on our demo).

To do so:

  1. Copy the default folder located in src/themes and change its name to your new theme's name.
  2. Change the name property in your theme's package.json file.
  3. Insert this name in the theme property of your config file in config/local.json.
  4. Run yarn install so lerna can detect a new theme.
  5. Start developing your own theme for Vue Storefront!

Only official themes tested and accepted by the community should be in a master branch. Please develop your own themes on separate branches and keep them updated with master to be sure it works with the newest core.

# Important theme files

Each theme is a separate Vue.js application with its own dependencies, which can make use of the core or even modify it. Below you can find the list of files that are essential for your theme to work:

  • assets - theme-specific assets
  • components - theme-specific components
  • css - theme-specific css files
  • helpers - helper methods
  • layouts - layout files
  • mixins - theme-specific mixins (extends core/mixins)
    • index.js - here you can register your theme-specific mixins
  • pages - your shop pages
  • resource - theme-specific resources (extends core/resource)
  • router - theme router
  • store - theme-specific stores (extends core/store)
    • ui-store.js - here you can extend core ui-store
    • index.js - here you can register theme-specific stores
  • App.vue - theme's entry component
  • index.js - theme initialization
  • package.json - theme-specific dependencies
  • service-worker
  • webpack.config.js - you can extend core webpack build in this file (extends core/build/, see Working with webpack)

# Official Vue Storefront themes: