# Product Vuex Store

The Product Store is designed to handle all actions related product data. It's responsible for loading the list of products or a single product as well as configuring the configurable products and managing the product attachments.

This module works pretty tightly with Elasticsearch and operates on the Product data format

# State

const state = {
  breadcrumbs: { routes: [] },
  current: null, // shown product
  current_options: { color: [], size: [] },
  current_configuration: {},
  parent: null,
  list: [],
  original: null, // default, not configured product
  related: {},

The product state is generally populated by just two methods - list (opens new window) and single (opens new window) - and cleared to the defaults by reset (opens new window).

The product state data:

  • breadcrumbs - This is the list of routes used by the Breadcrumbs component (opens new window)
  • current - This is the product object with selected configurable_children variant, so it's the base product with attributes overridden by the values from selected configurable_children variant; it's used on Product.vue page (opens new window). This is the product which is added to the cart after "Add to cart"
  • current_options - The list used to populate the variant selector on the Product.vue page (opens new window). It contains dictionary of attributes and possible attribute values and labels, and it's populated by setupVariants (opens new window) based on the configurable_children property.
  • current_configuration The current product configuration. A dictionary of selected variant attributes; for example, it contains a dictionary of selected product attributes:
  "color": 123,
  "size": 24

Please note, we're using the Magento-like EAV attributes structure so the values here are attribute value indexes, not the values itself. Please take a look at Data formats for a reference.

# Events

The following events are published from product store:

  • EventBus.$emit('product-after-priceupdate', product) - from syncProductPrice (opens new window) after product price is synced with Magento.
  • EventBus.$emit('product-after-configure', { product: product, configuration: configuration, selectedVariant: selectedVariant }) from configureProductAsync (called by product/configure action after product/single). This event provides the information about selected product variant on the product page.
  • EventBus.$emit('product-after-list', { query: query, start: start, size: size, sort: sort, entityType: entityType, result: resp }) - this event emits the current product list as it's returned by product/listproviding the current filters, etc. You can mark the specific product list identifier by setting the meta property; it's important because on a single page, this event can be executed multiple time for each individual block of products.
  • EventBus.$emit('product-after-single', { key: key, options: options, product: cachedProduct }) - After single product has been loaded (invoked by product/single action).

# Actions

The product store provides following public actions:

# setupBreadcrumbs (context, { product })

This method is in charge of setting state.breadcrumbs to be used on the Product.vue page. It's called from Product.vue:fetchData. The product parameter is an Elasticsearch product object.

# syncPlatformPricesOver(context, { skus })

When the config option products.alwaysSyncPlatformPricesOver is on, Vue Storefront will request the current product prices each time when product/single or product/list action is dispatched. It's called exclusively by these actions and shouldn't be called manually. This method calls vue-storefront-api proxy to get the current prices from Magento or any other backend CMS.

skus - this is an array with product SKUs to be synchronized.

# setupAssociated (context, { product })

This method is called as a subsequent call of Product.vue:fetchData or product/list action. It's used to get the child products of grouped or bundle types of products.

# checkConfigurableParent (context, {product})

This method is called by Product.vue:fetchData to check if current, simple product has got an configurable parent. If so, the redirect is being made to the parent product. It's a fix for #508 (opens new window)

# setupVariants (context, { product })

This method is subsequently called by Product.vue:fetchData to load all configurable attributes defined in product.configurable_options and then to populate state.current_configuration and state.current_options. The main usage of this action is to prepare a product to be configured by the user on the product page and to display the product configurator UI properly.

# list (context, { query, start = 0, size = 50, entityType = 'product', sort = '', cacheByKey = 'sku', prefetchGroupProducts = true, updateState = true, meta = {} })

This is the key method to load the product list. It returns the Promise that contains the product list object. This method should be used everywhere you need to get product data. When config.tax.calculateServerSide=false this method runs product taxes calculator and synchronizes prices with Magento if it's required.

Events: this method emits product list as EventBus.$emit('product-after-list', { query: query, start: start, size: size, sort: sort, entityType: entityType, meta: meta, result: resp })


This method synchronizes products for offline usage by storing the whole query results object into localForage and by caching each product individually (to be used on the product page, for example).

  • query - This is the bodybuilder Elasticsearch query (please check bodybuilder package or for example Home.vue for a reference how to use it).

  • start, size - Both parameters are used for paging; start is the starting index; size is a page size.

  • entityType - By default it's of course set to product and it's mapped to Elasticsearch entity class.

  • sort - Product attribute using to sort. This field must be mapped in Elasticsearch as a numeric field,

  • prefetchGroupProducts - By default, it's set to true and causes the setupAssociated action to be dispatched to get all the associated products

  • updateState - If you set this to false, the state.list will not be updated, just the products will be returned.

  • meta - This is an optional attribute which is returned with the product-after-list event; it can be used for example to mark any specific ES call.

# single (context, { options, setCurrentProduct = true, selectDefaultVariant = true, key = 'sku' })

This method subsequently dispatches the product/list action to get the products and synchronize the taxes/prices. When the product has been recently downloaded via product/list this method will return the cached version from localForage, but update the cache anyway.

# configure (context, { product = null, configuration, selectDefaultVariant = true })

This action is used to configure the configurable product with specified attributes. It gets the configuration object, which should have the following format: { attribute_code: attribute_value_id } and finds the product.configurable_children item which complies with this configuration. Then, it merges this specific configurable_child with the product itself - for example, setting the product.price to the configurable price, color, size etc. This method is used on: Product.vue page for allowing user to select color, size etc. The second usage for it is on Category.vue page after user selects some filters - the resulting products are configured to display the proper images (related to selected color and size) and prices.

If selectDefaultVariant is set to true (default), the state.current will be altered with configured product.

# setCurrent (context, productVariant)

Auxiliary method just to set state.current to productVariant.

# setOriginal (context, originalProduct)

Auxiliary method just to set state.original to originalProduct.

Alters state.related dictionary to set specific list of related products to be displayed on Product.vue page (RelatedProducts component is used for this).

# Getters

All state members should have been accessed only by getters. Please take a look at the state reference for data formats.

const getters = {
  getParentProduct: state => state.parent,
  getCurrentProduct: state => state.current,
  getCurrentProductConfiguration: state => state.current_configuration,
  getOriginalProduct: state => state.original,
  getCurrentProductOptions: state => state.current_options,
  breadcrumbs: state => state.breadcrumbs,