# User Module

This module contains all the logic, components and store related to the user account

# Components

# AccountButton

A component to handle redirects to user account page and user logout. Usually used in header.


  • isLoggedIn - represents if user is logged in;
  • user - current user.


  • goToAccount - is user is logged in, redirects user to account page. Otherwise shows sign-up modal
  • logout - emits user-before-logout event and redirects user to home page

# Login


  • close - closes sign-up modal
  • callLogin - starts authentication process with emitting notification-progress-start, calls user/login action with user's email and password.
  • switchElem - triggers setAuthElem mutation with register parameter
  • callForgotPassword - triggers setAuthElem mutation with forgot-pass parameter

# Register


  • switchElem - triggers setAuthElem mutation with register parameter
  • close - closes sign-up modal
  • callRegister - starts registration process with emitting notification-progress-start, calls user/register action with user's email, password, first name and last name.

# UserAccount


  • onLoggedIn - sets currentUser and userCompany. This method is called on user-after-loggedin bus event
  • edit - sets isEdited flag to true
  • objectsEqual (a, b, excludedFields = []) - checks if two passed objects are equal to each other
  • updateProfile - updates user profile with new data. Calls a method exitSection(null, updatedProfile)
  • exitSection - emits myAccount-before-updateUser bus event with updated user profile. Resets component user data to default values.
  • getUserCompany - finds user company
  • getCountryName - finds user country name

# UserShippingDetails


  • onLoggedIn - sets currentUser and shippingDetails. This method is called on user-after-loggedin bus event
  • edit - sets isEdited flag to true
  • updateDetails - updates shipping details with new data. Calls a method updatedShippingDetails
  • exitSection - emits myAccount-before-updateUser bus event with updated shipping details. Resets component user data to default values
  • fillCompanyAddress - finds shipping details
  • getCountryName - finds country name
  • hasBillingAddres - returns true if user has a billing address

# Store

User Store is designed to handle all actions related to the user account. All user related data is stored in the original eCommerce CMS/Magento and the modifying actions are executed directly against the platform API.

# State

  state: {
    token: '',
    current: null

The user state data:

  • token - this is the current user token got from the user/login (opens new window). It's used to authorize all subsequent calls with the current user identity. If this token is not empty it does mean that the user is authorized.
  • current - this is the current user object received from user/me (opens new window) - immediately called after the login action.

The user data format:

  "code": 200,
  "result": {
    "id": 58,
    "group_id": 1,
    "default_billing": "62",
    "default_shipping": "48",
    "created_at": "2018-01-23 15:30:00",
    "updated_at": "2018-03-04 06:39:28",
    "created_in": "Default Store View",
    "email": "pkarwatka28@example.pl",
    "firstname": "Piotr",
    "lastname": "Karwatka",
    "store_id": 1,
    "website_id": 1,
    "addresses": [
        "id": 48,
        "customer_id": 58,
        "region": {
          "region_code": null,
          "region": null,
          "region_id": 0
        "region_id": 0,
        "country_id": "PL",
        "street": ["Street", "12"],
        "telephone": "",
        "postcode": "51-169",
        "city": "City",
        "firstname": "Piotr",
        "lastname": "Karwatka",
        "default_shipping": true
        "id": 62,
        "customer_id": 58,
        "region": {
          "region_code": null,
          "region": null,
          "region_id": 0
        "region_id": 0,
        "country_id": "PL",
        "street": ["Street", "12"],
        "company": "example",
        "telephone": "",
        "postcode": "51-169",
        "city": "City",
        "firstname": "Piotr",
        "lastname": "Karwatka",
        "vat_id": "PL8951930748",
        "default_billing": true
    "disable_auto_group_change": 0

# Events

The following events are published from user store:

# Actions

The user store provides the following public actions:

# startSession (context)

Just to mark that the session is started and loading the current user token from the localForage - for the further usage.

# resetPassword (context, { email })

Calls the vue-storefront-api endpoint to send the password reset link to specified email address

# login (context, { username, password })

Called to login the user and receive the current token that can be used to authorize subsequent API calls. After user is successfully authorized the user/me action is dispatched to load the user profile data.

# register (context, { email, firstname, lastname, password, addresses })

Registers the user account in the eCommerce platform / Magento.

# me (context, { refresh = true, useCache = true })

Loads the user profile from eCommerce CMS; when userCache is set to true the result will be stored in the localForage and if it's stored before - returned from cache using the fastest strategy (network vs cache). If refresh is set to true - the user data will be pulled from the server despite the cached copy is available.

# update (context, userData)

This action is used to update various user profile data. Please check the user schema (opens new window) for the data format details.

# changePassword (context, passwordData)

Tries to change the user password to passwordData.newPassword.

# logout (context)

This is used to log out the user, close the session and clear the user token. Please notice - the current shopping cart is closed after this call.

# Getters

All state members should have been accessed only by getters. Please take a look at the state reference for data formats

const getters = {
  isLoggedIn(state) {
    return state.current !== null;