useCategory composable

useCategory composable allows loading categories from Magento API. It is commonly used in navigation menus, and provides the load function and refs for the categories, loading and error.


useAddresses composable returns the following properties:

  • load - function that loads the list of categories and updates categories
  • loadCategoryMeta - function that loads the category metadata
  • categories - the array of categories fetched in the load method, otherwise is null.
  • error - ref that contains an errors from the composable methods
  • loading - ref that contains information whether any of the composable methods is loading


 * Almost every method is extending this type
type ComposableFunctionArgs<T> = T & {
  customQuery?: CustomQuery;
  customHeaders?: CustomHeaders;

interface UseCategoryErrors {
  /** Error when loading categories fails, otherwise is `null`. */
  load: Error;
  loadCategoryMeta: Error;

type UseCategoryParamsInput = ComposableFunctionArgs< {
  pageSize: number;

type UseCategoryMetaParamsInput = ComposableFunctionArgs< {
  category_uid: string;

interface UseCategoryInterface {
  categories: Ref<CategoryTree[] | null>;
  error: Ref<UseCategoryErrors>;
  loading: Ref<boolean>;
  load(params: ComposableFunctionArgs<UseCategoryParamsInput>): Promise<void>;
  loadCategoryMeta(params: ComposableFunctionArgs<UseCategoryMetaParamsInput>): Promise<CategoryTree | null>;


Load categories on client side using the onMounted Composition API hook:

  <div v-if="loading">
    Loading categories…
  <div v-else-if="error.load">
    Error: {{ error.load.message }}
  <div v-else>
    <!-- Display 'categories' -->

import { onMounted } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';
import { useCategory } from '~/modules/catalog/category/composables/useCategory';

export default {
  setup() {
    const { categories, error, load, loading } = useCategory();

    onMounted(async () => {
      await load({ pageSize: 10 });

    return {