
useWishlist composable is responsible for integrating with a wishlist from Magento.

The state of the wishlist is kept in Pinia (opens new window) Store and is accessible through useWishlistStore() composable.

We use Pinia store to keep the same state for Wishlist across the whole application. There is always one instance of wishlist no matter how many times you instantiate useWishlist composable.


useWishlist returns following properties:

  • loadItemsCount - fetches the number of items on wishlist for the current user and saves it to the Pinai store.
  • isInWishlist - checks if a given product is already in wishlist
  • addItem - Adds product to the wishlist for the current user
  • load - Fetches wishlist of the current customer and saves to the wishlist store
  • removeItem - Removes item from the wishlist for the current user.
  • clear - Removes all items from wishlist for the current user.
  • setWishlist - Overrides the wishlist of the current user.
  • afterAddingWishlistItemToCart - Run it after adding a product from the wishlist to the cart to remove it from the wishlist and trigger in-app notification.
  • addOrRemoveItem - Adds item to the wishlist if is not already added, otherwise remove it from the wishlist.
  • loading - Indicates whether any of the methods is in progress.
  • error - Contains errors from any of the composable methods.


export interface Wishlist {
  /** The unique ID for a `Wishlist` object */
  id?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
  /** @deprecated Use field `items_v2` from type `Wishlist` instead */
  items?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<WishlistItem>>>;
  /** The number of items in the wish list */
  items_count?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
  /** An array of items in the customer's wish list */
  items_v2?: Maybe<WishlistItems>;
  /** An encrypted code that Magento uses to link to the wish list */
  sharing_code?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
  /** The time of the last modification to the wish list */
  updated_at?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
 * Almost every method is extending this type
export declare type ComposableFunctionArgs<T> = T & {
  customQuery?: CustomQuery;
  customHeaders?: CustomHeaders;

export interface UseWishlistErrors {
  addItem: Error | null;
  removeItem: Error | null;
  load: Error | null;
  clear: Error | null;
  loadItemsCount: Error | null;
  afterAddingWishlistItemToCart: Error | null,

export type UseWishlistLoadItemsCountParams = ComposableFunctionArgs<{}>;

export type UseWishlistIsInWishlistParams = { product: Product };

export type UseWishlistAddItemParams = ComposableFunctionArgs<{
  product: Product;

export type UseWishlistLoadParams = ComposableFunctionArgs<{
  searchParams?: Partial<{
    currentPage: number;
    pageSize: number;

export type UseWishlistRemoveItemParams = ComposableFunctionArgs<{
  product: Product;

export type UseWishlistClearParams = {
  currentWishlist: Wishlist;

export type UseWishlistAfterAddingWishlistItemToCartParams = ComposableFunctionArgs<{
  product: Product;
  cartError: Error;

export interface UseWishlistInterface {
  loadItemsCount(): Promise<number | null>;
  isInWishlist(params: UseWishlistIsInWishlistParams): boolean;
  addItem(params: UseWishlistAddItemParams): Promise<void>;
  load(params?: UseWishlistLoadParams): Promise<Wishlist>;
  removeItem(params: UseWishlistRemoveItemParams): Promise<void>;
  clear(params: UseWishlistClearParams): Promise<any>;
  setWishlist(newWishlist: Wishlist): void;
  afterAddingWishlistItemToCart(params): UseWishlistAfterAddingWishlistItemToCartParams): void;
  addOrRemoveItem(params: UseWishlistAddItemParams): Promise<void>;
  loading: Readonly<Ref<boolean>>;
  error: DeepReadonly<Ref<UseWishlistErrors>>;


Below we can see part of the code from the AppHeader.vue component. Let's break it down to understand how to use useWishlist composable.

import {
} from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';

import { useWishlist } from '~/modules/wishlist/composables/useWishlist';
import { useWishlistStore } from '~/modules/wishlist/store/wishlistStore';

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const { loadItemsCount } = useWishlist();

    const wishlistStore = useWishlistStore();
    const wishlistItemsQty = computed(() => wishlistStore.wishlist?.items_count ?? 0);
    const wishlistHasProducts = computed(() => wishlistItemsQty.value > 0);

    onMounted(async () => {
        await loadItemsCount();

    return {

The above code does following things:

const { loadItemsCount } = useWishlist();
  1. First we are calling useWishlist composable that returns a function called loadItemsCount. As the name suggests it returns a number of items in the wishlist.
const wishlistStore = useWishlistStore();
  1. Next we are calling useWishlistStore. The store is used by useWishlist under the hood to keep the wishlist state. It synchronizes with the backend automatically when you performa any add/remove operations through useWishlist composable.
const wishlistItemsQty = computed(() => wishlistStore.wishlist?.items_count ?? 0);
const wishlistHasProducts = computed(() => wishlistItemsQty.value > 0); 
  1. We used computed properties to keep the extracted properties in sync with the application state. If you change the state through any of useWishlist methods, the computed properties will update automatically.
onMounted(async () => {
    await loadItemsCount();
  1. At the very end we call loadItemsCount() function that populates the wishlistStore.wishlist.items_count value with the amount of items in the wishlist. We are using onMounted hook instead of useFetch to fetch the wishlist data only on the frontend. This way the cached SSR response will not contain the data specific to a certain user (read more on that (opens new window))


  • getItems - returns list of products on the wishlist

  • getItemName - returns product's name from the wishlist.

  • getItemImage - returns product's image from the wishlist.

  • getItemPrice - returns product's price from the wishlist.

  • getItemQty - returns a quantity of product which is on the wishlist.

  • getItemAttributes - returns product variant attribute chosen by its name.

  • getItemSku - returns product's SKU code.

  • getTotals - returns price of products.

  • getTotalItems - returns an amount of all items that are currently on the wishlist.

  • getFormattedPrice - returns price in a formatted manner, taking into account local specifics.