Image optimization

You can use external image providers to optimize your images thanks to the nuxt-img (opens new window) module.

By default, Vue Storefront uses the ipx provider, an open-source, self-hosted image optimizer.

Configure external image provider

If you decide to use an external image provider, you have to update the following environment variables inside the .env file:

  1. VSF_MAGENTO_BASE_URL - base URL of Magento shop. The useImage composable uses it to extract the image path from the full Magento URL.
  2. VSF_IMAGE_PROVIDER - name of the external provider, e.g. cloudinary. See the Providers (opens new window) page for more information.
  3. VSF_IMAGE_PROVIDER_DOMAIN - domain of the image provider.
  4. VSF_IMAGE_PROVIDER_BASE_URL - base URL of the image provider to upload images.

See the image property in the nuxt.config.js to learn how these environment variables are used and to configure any other options (opens new window) supported by the nuxt-img (opens new window) plugin.

Synchronize Magento images with an external provider

You need to synchronize all your images from the two folders below manually or create a script to do so:

  • media folder in Magento. We recommend using the same path as in Magento. For example, if your image path is {MAGENTO_BASE_URL}/media/catalog/product/{IMAGE_PATH}, you should have the corresponding image in your external provider with the same path, e.g. media/catalog/product/{IMAGE_PATH}.
  • static folder in Vue Storefront.

The useImage() composable

Magento GraphQL API returns an URL to cached images, e.g. {MAGENTO_BASE_URL}/media/catalog/product/cache/{IMAGE_PATH}. When you download all images from your server's media directory, paths don't include the cache/***/ part.

Because of that, we created the useImage() hook, which provides the getMagentoImage(fullImageUrl: string) method. This method returns an URL to the image without the Magento base URL and cache part. You can use it to get images from external providers.

Here's an example of how to use the useImage() composable:


import { useImage } from '~/composables';

export default {
  setup() {
    const { getMagentoImage } = useImage();

    return {

Configure ImageSizes enum

There is a helper object in the enums/imageEnums.js file that export configuration for various image types:

module.exports = {
  productCard: {
    width: 216,
    height: 268,
  productCardHorizontal: {
    width: 140,
    height: 200,
  cartItem: {
    width: 100,
    height: 100,