useCountrySearch composable

useCountrySearch composable allows fetching a list of countries or a single country by ID.


useCountrySearch composable returns the following properties:

  • load - function that fetches the array of registered countries
  • search - function that fetches a country by its id
  • error - ref that contains an errors from the composable methods
  • loading - ref that contains information whether any of the composable methods is loading


 * Almost every method is extending this type
type ComposableFunctionArgs<T> = T & {
  customQuery?: CustomQuery;
  customHeaders?: CustomHeaders;

type UseCountrySearchParams = ComposableFunctionArgs<{
  id: string;

interface UseCountrySearchErrors {
  search: Error | null
  load: Error | null

interface UseCountrySearchInterface {
  load(): Promise<Array<Countries>>;
  search(params: UseCountrySearchParams): Promise<Maybe<Country>>;
  loading: DeepReadonly<Ref<boolean>>;
  error: DeepReadonly<Ref<UseCountrySearchErrors>>;


Load registered countries and display them in the component:


<script lang="ts">
import { ref, onMounted } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';
import { useCountrySearch } from '~/composables';

export default {
  setup() {
    const countries = ref<Array<Country>>([]);
    const { load } = useCountrySearch();

    onMounted(async () => {
      const loadedCountries = await load();

      countries.value = loadedCountries;

    return {
