You are reading the documentation for Vue Storefront v2. See the latest docs.

Migrating projects to 2.2.0

This version introduces many renamings or changes related to the function declarations among of the core. We had to proceed with this in order to keep the convention and unify the naming across whole VSF.

We changes the composables and our factories according to the following rules:

  • each composable return always one field with the response from the api
  • each composable function takes one argument wich is an object of given parameters
  • each factory param function takes two argumens, first one is context (as it was before) and second one contains a function parmeters along with other options (such as customQuery)

Composables usage

We have changes a bit the naming and signatures of composable functions. Below is the full list of what hs been implemented or changed:

Composable Method Old signature New signature
useCart addToCart (product: PRODUCT, quantity: number, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ product: PRODUCT, quantity: number, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useCart removeFromCart (product: CART_ITEM, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ product: CART_ITEM, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useCart updateQuantity (product: CART_ITEM, quantity?: number, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ product: CART_ITEM, quantity?: number, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useCart load (customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ customQuery?: CustomQuery } = {})
useCart clearCart () ()
useCart applyCoupon (couponCode: string, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ couponCode: string, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useCart isOnCart (product: PRODUCT) ({ product: PRODUCT })
useCart removeCoupon (coupon: COUPON, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ coupon: COUPON, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useCart setCart (newCart: CART) ({ newCart: CART })
useCategory search (searchParams: CATEGORY_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ ...searchParams: CATEGORY_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useContent search (params: CONTENT_SEARCH_PARAMS) No changes
useFacet search (params?: AgnosticFacetSearchParams) No changes
useProduct search (searchParams: PRODUCT_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ ...searchParams: PRODUCT_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useReview search (searchParams: REVIEWS_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ ...searchParams: REVIEWS_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useReview addReview (addParams: REVIEW_ADD_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ ...addParams: REVIEW_ADD_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useUserBilling addAddress (address: USER_BILLING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_BILLING_ITEM })
useUserBilling deleteAddress (address: USER_BILLING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_BILLING_ITEM })
useUserBilling updateAddress (address: USER_BILLING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_BILLING_ITEM })
useUserBilling setDefault (address: USER_BILLING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_BILLING_ITEM })
useUserBilling load () ()
useUserShipping addAddress (address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM })
useUserShipping deleteAddress (address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM })
useUserShipping updateAddress (address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM })
useUserShipping setDefault (address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM) ({ address: USER_SHIPPING_ITEM })
useUserShipping load () ()
useUser updateUser (params: UPDATE_USER_PARAMS) ({ user: UPDATE_USER_PARAMS })
useUser register (registerUserData: REGISTER_USER_PARAMS) ({ user: REGISTER_USER_PARAMS })
useUser login (loginUserData: { username: string; password: string; }) ({ user: LOGIN_USER_PARAMS })
useUser logout () ()
useUser changePassword (currentPassword: string, newPassword: string) ({ currentPassword: string, newPassword: string })
useUser load () ()
useUserOrders searchOrders (searchParams: ORDER_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ ...searchParams: ORDER_SEARCH_PARAMS, customQuery?: CustomQuery } = {})
useWishlist addToWishlist (product: PRODUCT, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ product: PRODUCT, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useWishlist removeFromWishlist (product: WISHLIST_ITEM, customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ product: WISHLIST_ITEM, customQuery?: CustomQuery })
useWishlist load (customQuery?: CustomQuery) ({ customQuery?: CustomQuery } = {})
useWishlist clearWishlist () ()
useWishlist isOnWishlist (product: PRODUCT) ({ product: PRODUCT })