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This guide assumes prior knowledge of composables. If you don't know what they are or how to use them, see the Composables guide.

What are getters?

Reading the same composable's data in a few places in your application can be cumbersome, especially if that data is deeply nested.

That's why every composable has a dedicated getter, which is a helper for extracting commonly used data. For example, the useUser composable has the userGetters.

You should use getters whenever possible unless the given getter doesn't have a method that returns the data you need.

Anatomy of a getter

Getters are objects with a set of methods that accept either:

  • the primary state from their composable,
  • or result from other getter methods.

Let's take a closer look at how it might look like using the userGetters as an example:

Anatomy of the userGetters getter

In this example, the getter has four methods:

  • getEmailAddress(),
  • getFirstName(),
  • getFullName(),
  • getLastName().

Each accepts the user object from the useUser composable as a parameter.


Let's see how you can use the userGetters to get the user's full name:

import { useUser, userGetters } from '{INTEGRATION}';
import { useFetch, computed } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';

export default {
  setup() {
    const { load, user } = useUser();

     * Create variable which extracts the full user name from the `user`
     * object. Until we load user data, the value is `undefined`.
    const userFullName = computed(() => userGetters.getFullName(user.value));

     * Load user data. This updates the `user` object,
     * which as a result, updates the `userFullName` variable.
    useFetch(async () => {
      await load();

     * Return the `userFullName` object to make it available in the template
    return {

You might have noticed that above, we called the getter function inside the computed function.

That's because getter methods are not reactive and don't observe changes in the values you pass. To make them reactive, you need to wrap them in computed functions.

 * ❌
 * Calling getter methods like this will only read their values
 * once and never update, even when the value of the `user` changes
const nonReactive = userGetters.getFullName(user.value);

 * ✔️
 * Wrapping the same method call inside `computed` will observe
 * the changes in the `user` object and re-run the getter method
const reactive = computed(() => userGetters.getFullName(user.value));