Home > @vsf-enterprise/commercetools-types > DiscountCodeState

# DiscountCodeState enum


export declare enum DiscountCodeState 

# Enumeration Members

Member Value Description
ApplicationStoppedByPreviousDiscount "ApplicationStoppedByPreviousDiscount" The discount code is active and none of the discounts were applied because the discount application was stopped by one discount that has the StackingMode of StopAfterThisDiscount defined
DoesNotMatchCart "DoesNotMatchCart" The discount code is active and it contains at least one active and valid CartDiscount. But its cart predicate does not match the cart or none of the contained active discount’s cart predicates match the cart
MatchesCart "MatchesCart" The discount code is active and it contains at least one active and valid CartDiscount. The discount code cartPredicate matches the cart and at least one of the contained active discount’s cart predicates matches the cart.
MaxApplicationReached "MaxApplicationReached" maxApplications or maxApplicationsPerCustomer for discountCode has been reached.
NotActive "NotActive" The discount code is not active or it does not contain any active cart discounts.
NotValid "NotValid" The discount code is not valid or it does not contain any valid cart discounts. Validity is determined based on the validFrom and validUntil dates