# useWishlist

# Features

useWishlist composable is responsible for integrating with a wishlist from commercetools. It allows to:

  • fetch products from the wishlist
  • add products to the wishlist
  • remove products from the wishlist
  • check if a product is on the wishlist


  • wishlist: Wishlist - a main data object.

    type ShoppingList = {
      __typename?: "ShoppingList";
      key?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      nameAllLocales: Array<LocalizedString>;
      description?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      descriptionAllLocales?: Maybe<Array<LocalizedString>>;
      slug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      slugAllLocales?: Maybe<Array<LocalizedString>>;
      customerRef?: Maybe<Reference>;
      customer?: Maybe<Customer>;
      anonymousId?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      lineItems: Array<ShoppingListLineItem>;
      textLineItems: Array<TextLineItem>;
      custom?: Maybe<CustomFieldsType>;
      deleteDaysAfterLastModification?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>;
      id: Scalars["String"];
      version: Scalars["Long"];
      createdAt: Scalars["DateTime"];
      lastModifiedAt: Scalars["DateTime"];
      createdBy?: Maybe<Initiator>;
      lastModifiedBy?: Maybe<Initiator>;
    type Wishlist = ShoppingList;
  • load - a function used to retrieve wishlist products. When invoked, it requests data from the API and populates wishlist property. This method accepts a single params object. The params has the following option:

    • customQuery?: CustomQuery

      type CustomQuery = {
        getMe: string
  • addItem - a function used to add a new product to the wishlist. When invoked, it submits data to the API and populates wishlist property with updated information. This method accepts a single params object. The params has the following options:

    • product: ProductVariant

    • customQuery?: customQuery

      type ProductVariant = {
        __typename?: "ProductVariant";
        id: Scalars["Int"];
        key?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
        sku?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
        prices?: Maybe<Array<ProductPrice>>;
        price?: Maybe<ProductPrice>;
        images: Array<Image>;
        assets: Array<Asset>;
        availability?: Maybe<ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannels>;
        attributesRaw: Array<RawProductAttribute>;
        attributes: ProductType;
        attributeList: Array<Attribute>;
      type CustomQuery = {
        updateShoppingList: string
  • removeItem - a function that removes products from the wishlist. It submits data to the API and populates the updated wishlist property. This method accepts a single params object. The params has the following options:

    • product: LineItem

    • customQuery?: customQuery

      type LineItem = {
        __typename?: "LineItem";
        id: Scalars["String"];
        productId: Scalars["String"];
        name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
        nameAllLocales: Array<LocalizedString>;
        productSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
        productType?: Maybe<ProductTypeDefinition>;
        productTypeRef?: Maybe<Reference>;
        variant?: Maybe<ProductVariant>;
        price: ProductPrice;
        taxedPrice?: Maybe<TaxedItemPrice>;
        totalPrice?: Maybe<Money>;
        quantity: Scalars["Long"];
        state: Array<ItemState>;
        taxRate?: Maybe<TaxRate>;
        supplyChannel?: Maybe<Channel>;
        supplyChannelRef?: Maybe<Reference>;
        distributionChannel?: Maybe<Channel>;
        distributionChannelRef?: Maybe<Reference>;
        discountedPricePerQuantity: Array<DiscountedLineItemPriceForQuantity>;
        lineItemMode: LineItemMode;
        priceMode: LineItemPriceMode;
        customFieldsRaw?: Maybe<Array<RawCustomField>>;
        customFields?: Maybe<Type>;
        custom?: Maybe<CustomFieldsType>;
        shippingDetails?: Maybe<ItemShippingDetails>;
        inventoryMode?: Maybe<ItemShippingDetails>;
        customFieldList?: Maybe<Array<CustomField>>;
      type CustomQuery = {
        updateShoppingList: string
  • clear - a function that removes all products from the wishlist and populates clear wishlist property.

  • isInWishlist - a function that checks if a product is on the wishlist. It returns boolean value. This method accepts a single params object. The params has the following option:

    • product: ProductVariant

      type ProductVariant = {
        __typename?: "ProductVariant";
        id: Scalars["Int"];
        key?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
        sku?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
        prices?: Maybe<Array<ProductPrice>>;
        price?: Maybe<ProductPrice>;
        images: Array<Image>;
        assets: Array<Asset>;
        availability?: Maybe<ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannels>;
        attributesRaw: Array<RawProductAttribute>;
        attributes: ProductType;
        attributeList: Array<Attribute>;
  • loading: boolean - a reactive object containing information about loading state of the cart.

  • error: UseWishlistErrors - reactive object containing the error message, if some properties failed for any reason.

    interface UseWishlistErrors {
      addItem: Error;
      removeItem: Error;
      load: Error;
      clear: Error;

# Getters

  • getItems - returns list of products on the wishlist

  • getItemName - returns product's name from the wishlist.

  • getItemImage - returns product's image from the wishlist.

  • getItemPrice - returns product's price from the wishlist.

  • getItemQty - returns a quantity of product which is on the wishlist.

  • getItemAttributes - returns product variant attribute chosen by its name.

  • getItemSku - returns product's SKU code.

  • getTotals - returns price of products.

  • getTotalItems - returns an amount of all items that are currently on the wishlist.

  • getFormattedPrice - returns price in a formatted manner, taking into account local specifics.

    interface WishlistGetters {
      getTotals: (wishlist: Wishlist) => AgnosticTotals;
      getItems: (wishlist: Wishlist) => ShoppingListLineItem[];
      getItemName: (product: ShoppingListLineItem) => string;
      getItemImage: (product: ShoppingListLineItem) => string;
      getItemPrice: (product: ShoppingListLineItem) => AgnosticPrice;
      getItemQty: (product: ShoppingListLineItem) => number;
      getItemAttributes: (product: ShoppingListLineItem, filterByAttributeName?: string[]) => ({});
      getItemSku: (product: ShoppingListLineItem) => string;
      getTotalItems: (wishlist: Wishlist) => number;
      getFormattedPrice: (price: number) => string;
    interface AgnosticTotals {
      total: number;
      subtotal: number;
      special?: number;
      [x: string]: unknown;
    interface AgnosticPrice {
      regular: number | null;
      special?: number | null;
    type Wishlist = {
      __typename?: "ShoppingList";
      key?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      nameAllLocales: Array<LocalizedString>;
      description?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      descriptionAllLocales?: Maybe<Array<LocalizedString>>;
      slug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      slugAllLocales?: Maybe<Array<LocalizedString>>;
      customerRef?: Maybe<Reference>;
      customer?: Maybe<Customer>;
      anonymousId?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      lineItems: Array<ShoppingListLineItem>;
      textLineItems: Array<TextLineItem>;
      custom?: Maybe<CustomFieldsType>;
      deleteDaysAfterLastModification?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>;
      id: Scalars["String"];
      version: Scalars["Long"];
      createdAt: Scalars["DateTime"];
      lastModifiedAt: Scalars["DateTime"];
      createdBy?: Maybe<Initiator>;
      lastModifiedBy?: Maybe<Initiator>;
    type ShoppingListLineItem = {
      __typename?: "ShoppingListLineItem";
      id: Scalars["String"];
      productId: Scalars["String"];
      variantId?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>;
      productTypeRef: Reference;
      productType: ProductTypeDefinition;
      quantity: Scalars["Int"];
      addedAt: Scalars["DateTime"];
      name?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      nameAllLocales: Array<LocalizedString>;
      deactivatedAt?: Maybe<Scalars["DateTime"]>;
      custom?: Maybe<CustomFieldsType>;
      productSlug?: Maybe<Scalars["String"]>;
      variant?: Maybe<ProductVariant>;

# Example

import { onSSR } from '@vue-storefront/core';
import { useWishlist, wishlistGetters } from '@vsf-enterprise/commercetools';

export default {
  setup() {
    const { load: loadWishlist } = useWishlist();

    const wishlistItems = computed(() => wishlistGetters.getItems());

    onSSR(async () => {
      await loadWishlist();

    return {