# Custom API client

# Introduction

Following the Registering an extension (opens new window), to create new apis client (doesn't exist in odoo ) we must register a new extension.

  1. Import custom-api/api file to middleware.config.js
// middleware.config.js
const apis = require('./custom-api/api');

module.exports = {
  integrations: {
    odoo: {
      location: '@vue-storefront/odoo-api/server',
      configuration: {
      extensions: (extensions) => [
          name: 'custom-apis-extension',
          extendApiMethods: apis

  1. Create your index.js file to organize your api modules
// custom-api/api/index.js
const createTelegramNotification = require('./createTelegramNotification');
const importCartFromOther = require('./importCartFromOther');

module.exports = {

  1. Create each of your api module
// custom-api/api/createTelegramNotification.js
const gql = require('graphql-tag');

const createTelegramNotification = async (context, params) => {
  const apolloClient = context.client.apollo;
  const response = await apolloClient.mutate({
    variables: params,
    mutation: gql`
      mutation ($email: String!) {
        createTelegramNotification(email: $email) {
  return response;

module.exports = createTelegramNotification;