# Demonstration

This documentation is about Odoo integration with Vue Storefront 2. This integration has been developed and maintained by ERPGAP / PROMPTEQUATION ❤️

Before anything, you should take a look in our live demo (opens new window). it's a dev server so could be down sometimes 🤷‍♂


We need to make clear that this hole documentation is about vsf + odoo - front end, not about odoo back end. So, take a look in following explanations to better understand how it works.

# VSF Community Projects explanation

We are VSF integrators, so we make part of vsf open source community. We keep 3 main projects available in Github VSF Community (https://github.com/vuestorefront-community) to keep everyting working:

  • VSF-ODOO: Here is where our developer team works to make everything working with the best performance and user experience as possible. It keeps composable logic, the API connections to ODOO world and a git submodule pointer to template-odoo repository.

  • VSF-TEMPLATE-ODOO: This is the project to start a new vsf-odoo project. It's our main theme. So, if you want to start your own project, you'll need this repository to get start.

  • VSF-ODOO-DEMOS: This is the project that keeps some demonstrations and different themes.


When we start a new project from VSF_TEMPLATE_ODOO, the npm package with odoo composables and apis will be injected.
