# Middleware

# GraphQl

As a nuxt application, all requests to backend are made from Nuxt using a middleware layer.

Odoo use GraphQL in back end. So, we need to use a middleware to convert the graphql to rest api. For more detailed explanation visit Graphql documentation.

The middleware.config.js is responsable to make this bridge between Nuxt and GraphQl.

// packages/theme/middleware.config.js
const odooBaseUrl =
  process.env.BACKEND_BASE_URL ||
  process.env.BASE_URL ||
const graphqlBaseUrl = `${odooBaseUrl}graphql/vsf`;

module.exports = {
  integrations: {
    odoo: {
      location: "@vue-storefront/odoo-api/server",
      configuration: {

# Logging requests

To make our development easier, we created useing Nuxt context, a way to show each request made from Nuxt to Graphql. Its automatic in dev mode, not for production. You'll see in your terminal all the logged requests.
