# Upgrading to 1.6.0

# Introduction

In this release, we've migrated from the old internationalization package called nuxt-i18n to the new one called nuxtjs/i18n. Follow its Migration guide (opens new window) to upgrade your project. We've also refactored the useUserBilling and useUserShipping composables.

# Updating the useUserBilling and useUserShipping implementations

The billing and shipping properties from the useUserBilling and useUserShipping composables reference the user object provided by the useUser composable.

For this reason, we are deprecating the load methods from the useUserBilling and useUserShipping composables. To populate all the billing and shipping properties with user data, call the useUser.load method.

import { onSSR } from '@vue-storefront/core'
import {
} from '@vsf-enterprise/commercetools';

export default {
  setup() {
    const { load: loadUser } = useUser();
-   const { load: loadBilling, billing } = useUserBilling();
-   const { load: loadShipping, shipping } = useUserShipping();
+   const { billing } = useUserBilling();
+   const { shipping } = useUserShipping();

    onSSR(async () => {
      await loadUser();
-     await loadBilling();
-     await loadShipping();
    return {

Calling the useUserBilling.load and useUserShipping.load methods is no longer necessary and will result in a deprecation warning.