# useFacet

# Features

useFacet composable can be used to:

  • fetch products
  • fetch available categories
  • filter products by categories, option values, product properties, keyword and price


search - function for searching for products. It requires the following params:

  • input: SearchParams
type SearchParams = {
  categorySlug?: string;
  term?: string;
  selectedOptionTypeFilters: SearchParamsOptionTypeFilter[];
  selectedProductPropertyFilters: SearchParamsProductPropertyFilter[];
  priceFilter: string;

  page?: number;
  itemsPerPage?: number;
  sort?: string;

type SearchParamsOptionTypeFilter = {
  optionTypeName: string;
  optionValueId: number;

type SearchParamsProductPropertyFilter = {
  productPropertyName: string;
  productPropertyValue: string;
  • result - data object containing the resposne from the backend.

  • loading: boolean - boolean indicating if the search is still loading.

  • error: UseFacetErrors - error object if the search failed.