# useCart

# Features

useCart composable can be used to:

  • load cart information
  • add, update and remove
  • apply and remove coupons
  • checking if a product is already in the cart


  • cart: Cart - main data object

    type Cart = {
        _id: number;
        email: string;
        number: string;
        state: string;
        total: string;
        totalAmount: number;
        itemTotal: string;
        itemTotalAmount: number;
        shipTotal: string;
        shipTotalAmount: number;
        taxTotalAmount: number;
        adjustmentTotal: string;
        lineItems: LineItem[];
        completedAt: Date;
        token: string;
        address: {
            shipping: Address;
            billing: Address;
    type Address = {
        _id: string;
        firstName: string;
        lastName: string;
        company: string;
        addressLine1: string;
        addressLine2: string;
        postalCode: string;
        city: string;
        state: string;
        country: string;
        phone: string;
  • load - function to load cart information. If there is no cart assigned to current session/user, it will return a dummy cart without creating it in the backend.

  • addItem - function to add an item to the cart. It requires the following params:

    • currentCart: Cart
    • product: ProductVariant
    • quantity: number
  • removeItem - function to remove an item from the cart. It requires the following params:

    • currentCart: Cart
    • product: LineItem
  • updateItemQty - function to update the quantity of an item in the cart. It requires the following params:

    • currentCart: Cart
    • product: LineItem
    • quantity: number
  • clear - function to remove all items from the cart. It requieres the following params:

    • currentCart: Cart
  • applyCoupon - function to apply a coupon to the cart. It requires the following params:

    • currentCart: Cart
    • couponCode: string
  • removeCoupon - function to remove a coupon from the cart. It requires the following params:

    • currentCart: Cart
    • couponCode: string
  • isInCart - function to check if a product is already in the cart. It requires the following params:

    • currentCart: Cart
    • product: ProductVariant