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ProductsApi.getLocationProductStock() method

Returns a product's stock levels sorted by distance from the specified location, which is provided using the free-text "location" parameter, or by using the longitude and latitude parameters. The following two sets of parameters are available: location (required), currentPage (optional), pageSize (optional); or longitude (required), latitude (required), currentPage (optional), pageSize(optional). Get a product's stock level.


getLocationProductStock(baseSiteId: string, productCode: string, currentPage?: number, fields?: string, latitude?: number, location?: string, longitude?: number, pageSize?: number, options?: any): Promise<import("axios").AxiosResponse<StoreFinderStockSearchPage>>;


Parameter Type Description
baseSiteId string Base site identifier
productCode string Product identifier
currentPage number The current result page requested.
fields string Response configuration. This is the list of fields that should be returned in the response body. Examples: BASIC, DEFAULT, FULL
latitude number Latitude location parameter.
location string Free-text location
longitude number Longitude location parameter.
pageSize number The number of results returned per page.
options any Override http request option.




{RequiredError} ProductsApi