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PageApi.getPage() method

Given a page identifier, return the page data with a list of cms content slots, each of which contains a list of cms component data. Get page data with list of cms content slots


getPage(baseSiteId: string, code?: string, fields?: 'BASIC' | 'DEFAULT' | 'FULL', pageLabelOrId?: string, pageType?: 'ContentPage' | 'ProductPage' | 'CategoryPage' | 'CatalogPage', options?: any): Promise<import("axios").AxiosResponse<object>>;


Parameter Type Description
baseSiteId string Base site identifier
code string If pageType is ProductPage, code should be product code; if pageType is CategoryPage, code should be category code; if pageType is CatalogPage, code should be catalog code
fields 'BASIC' | 'DEFAULT' | 'FULL' Response configuration (list of fields, which should be returned in response)
pageLabelOrId string Page Label or Id; if no page has a label that matches the provided label exactly, try to find pages whose label starts with a section of the provided label. Otherwise, try to find the page by id. Note: URL encoding on the page label should be applied when the label contains special characters
pageType 'ContentPage' | 'ProductPage' | 'CategoryPage' | 'CatalogPage' page type
options any Override http request option.




{RequiredError} PageApi