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OrdersApi.getUserOrderHistory() method

Returns order history data for all orders placed by a specified user for a specified base store. The response can display the results across multiple pages, if required. Get order history for user.


getUserOrderHistory(baseSiteId: string, userId: string, currentPage?: number, fields?: string, pageSize?: number, sort?: string, statuses?: string, options?: any): Promise<import("axios").AxiosResponse<OrderHistoryList>>;


Parameter Type Description
baseSiteId string Base site identifier
userId string User identifier or one of the literals : &#39;current&#39; for currently authenticated user, &#39;anonymous&#39; for anonymous user
currentPage number The current result page requested.
fields string Response configuration. This is the list of fields that should be returned in the response body. Examples: BASIC, DEFAULT, FULL
pageSize number The number of results returned per page.
sort string Sorting method applied to the return results.
statuses string Filters only certain order statuses. For example, statuses&#x3D;CANCELLED,CHECKED_VALID would only return orders with status CANCELLED or CHECKED_VALID.
options any Override http request option.




{RequiredError} OrdersApi