# Custom Queries

# Features

From VSF2 docs (opens new window), we can use custom query on existing APIS. Most of the apis use 'customQuery' index.

# Use Cart

  const { load: loadCart, cart } = useCart();

  await loadCart({ customQuery: { cartLoad: 'customCartLoad' } });

# Use Category

  const { categories, search: searchCategories } = useCategory();

  await loadCart({ pageSize: 100, customQuery: { getCategory: 'customGetCategory' } });

# Use CountrySearch

# Use Facet

  • getProductTemplatesList
 await search({ 
   customQueryProducts: {
      getProductTemplatesList: 'customProductTempalteListCategory',
   customQueryCategories: {
      getCategory: 'customCategoryQuery',

# Use Password

# Use Product

  • getProductTemplate
 await search({
   customQuery: { getProductTemplate: 'customProductTemplateQuery' },

# Use ProductVariant

# Use Shipping

# Use User

  • signUpUser
  await register({
    user: form.value,
    customQuery: { signUpUser: 'customSignUpUserMutation' },

# Use User Billing

# Use Wishlist

# Use Order

  • ordersGet
  await search({ customQuery: { ordersGet: 'customOrdersGetQuery' } });