# List of composables

# useCart

The useCart composable loads/creates a cart from the Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in every page/component related to the shop experience. Provides the load, clear, addItem, setCart, isInCart, removeItem, applyCoupon, removeCoupon, updateItemQty functions and refs for the cart, loading, and error.

# useCartData

Helpers that can be used for usage of cart information in components.

# useCategory

The useCategory composable loads categories from the Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in navigation menus and provides the load function and refs for the categories, loading, and error.

# useCategoryData

Helpers that can be used for usage of categories information in components.

# useCheckout

The useCheckout composable provides methods that manage customer information (like shipping address and payment method) in the checkout flow. Provides the setCustomer, setShippingAddress, setBillingAddress, setShippingMethod, setPaymentMethod and clear functions and refs for the data stored in the cookies.

# useFacet

The useFacet composable searches products from Elastic Path API using product characteristics. Provides a search function and refs for the search result, loading, and error.

# useFacetData

Helpers that can be used for usage of search result in components.

# useForgotPassword

The useForgotPassword composable allows to interact on every single password action on Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in to reset and set new password. Provides the load function and refs for the categories, loading, and error.

# useImageProvider

The useImageProvider composable loads images from an image provider.

# useLocale

The useLocale composable loads currencies from Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in locale selector and refs for the price formatter.

# useMakeOrder

The useMakeOrder composable creates an order on Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in Checkout and ThankYou components. Provides the make function and refs for the order, loading, and error.

# useOrderData

Helpers that can be used for usage of order information in components.

# useProduct

The useProduct composable is used to search for a product on Elastic Path API when we know its id. It is commonly used in every Product.vue Single File Component. Provides the search function and refs for the product, loading, and error.

# useProductData

Helpers that can be used for usage of product information in components.

# useReviewData

Helpers that can be used for usage of review information in components.

# useShipping

The useShipping composable allows loading and save shipping from Elastic Path API. Provides the load and save functions and refs for the shipping, loading, and error.

# useShippingProvider

The useShippingProvider composable allows you to interact with the Shipping Provider custom flow on the Elastic Path API. Provides the load function and refs for the state, loading, and error.

# useStore

The useStore composable loads stores from the Elastic Path API. Provides the load and change functions and refs for the response, loading, and error.

# useUIHelpers

Allows handling the parameters for filtering, searching, sorting and pagination in the URL search/query params

# useUINotification

Allows managing and showing notifications to the user.

# useUIState

Global store for managing UI state.

# useUser

The useUser composable allows manipulating user state in the integration. Provides the load, login, logout, setUser, register, updateUser, changePassword functions and refs for the isAuthenticated, user, loading and error.

# useUserAddressData

Helpers that can be used for usage of user address information in components.

# useUserData

Helpers that can be used for usage of user information in components.

# useUserBilling

The useUserBilling composable allows loading/creating/updating/deleting a billing address from Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in checkout flow. Provides the load, addAddress, updateAddress, deleteAddress, setDefaultAddress functions and refs for the billing addresses, loading, and error.

# useUserOrder

The useUserOrder composable allows searching for an order in Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in OrderHistory SFC. Provides the search function and refs for the orders, loading, and error.

# useUserShipping

The useUserShipping composable allows loading/creating/updating/deleting a shipping address from Elastic Path API. It is commonly used in checkout flow. Provides the load, addAddress, updateAddress, deleteAddress, setDefaultAddress functions and refs for the shipping addresses, loading, and error.

# useWishlist

The useWishlist composable can load or create loading/creating a wishlist. from Elastic Path API. Under the hood, the wishlist is a cart. Provides the load, clear, addItem, isInWishlist, removeItem functions and refs for the wishlist, loading, and error.

# useWishlistData

Helpers that can be used for usage of wishlist information in components.