Klarna configuration

To use Klarna, add a new payment method in Adyen's dashboard and add specific payment methods to the availablePaymentMethods array in nuxt.config.js:

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  modules: [
    ['@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools/nuxt', {
      availablePaymentMethods: [
      // ...

Read Adyen's document about Klarna (opens new window) to see supported payment methods for individual countries.

Email Address

Klarna requires the customer's email address to work correctly. It will be read from cart.customerEmail property with fallback to the cart.customer.email property. Make sure to put it in one

Phone number

If your users can provide a phone number, it must include the area code. Without it, Klarna will return an error caused by an improper phone number format.