PayPal configuration

To use PayPal, add a new payment method in Adyen's dashboard and add paypal to the availablePaymentMethods array in nuxt.config.js:

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  modules: [
    ['@vsf-enterprise/adyen-commercetools/nuxt', {
      availablePaymentMethods: [
      methods: {
        paypal: {
          merchantId: '<PAYPAL_MERCHANT_ID>',
          intent: 'capture'
      // ...

Read Adyen's document about PayPal (opens new window) to check available configuration.

Be careful not to overwrite PayPal's onCancel and onError callbacks (e.g. with beforeLoad hook) as they are used to allow retrying the payment by the user in case of an error or payment cancellation.