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Nginx Lua Proxy

Nginx Lua Proxy

In case when you use SSR cache in your instance you can speed up your instance by using Nginx Lua Proxy.

What is Nginx Lua Proxy?

Nginx Lua Proxy is a reverse proxy based on OpenResty serving cached pages directly from Redis without Vue StoreFront, both VSF and VSF API, calls, using Lua.

Building the Nginx Lua Proxy we based on Vue StoreFront proxy.


Patch of file core/scripts/server.[js|ts] is required. You should add changes like below:


const fs = require('fs')

function cacheVersion (req, res) {

app.get('/cache-version.json', cacheVersion)


Nginx Lua Proxy works only with Redis DB0!

If you want to use it please set db: 0 in your instance configuration. More information about Redis configuration you can find in Vue Storefront documentation.

To enable Nginx Lua Proxy on your instance please contact us.