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Access to logs

Access to logs

Knowing the application behaviour is a crucial thing in the development process - allowing developers to investigate what happened in the app by accessing the logs. With logs, the developer or operator can properly optimize and debug the test and production environments. Our Cloud offers two possible ways to display logs.

Access via CLI

The easiest way to access logs is to use the kubectl command line tool. A kube.config configuration file is required to access the instance via the kubectl CLI. The command line access guide can help you get set up.


Here are some examples using the kubectl CLI tool to get a list of pods and display logs from one of that pods. You can omit specifying kubeconfig if you have exported KUBECONFIG environment variable.

List the pods:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/your/kubeconfig> -n <instance_name>-<region>-<provider>-storefrontcloud-io get pods

NAME                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
vue-storefront-754cc8674-7njnx            1/1     Running            0          2d3h
vue-storefront-754cc8674-gvtvq            1/1     Running            1          2d

Get the logs:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig </path/to/your/kubeconfig> -n <instance_name>-<region>-<provider>-storefrontcloud-io logs vue-storefront-754cc8674-7njnx

Check out the official kubectl referrence for more options to the kubectl logs command.

Access via API

Another way to access logs is through our API. To get logs for the specific pod you should call /instance/<instance_name>-<region>-<provider>-storefrontcloud-io/pod/<pod_name>/log API endpoint. Continue to API reference for more information.


Call the API pods endpoint to get a current list of pods in your instance:

$ curl -H "X-User-Id: $VSFC_USER_ID" \
-H "X-Api-Key: $VSFC_API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X GET<instance_name>-<region>-<provider>-storefrontcloud-io/pod

Choose one of the pods and perform another request:

$ curl -H "X-User-Id: $VSFC_USER_ID" \
-H "X-Api-Key: $VSFC_API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X GET<instance_name>-<region>-<provider>-storefrontcloud-io/pod/<pod_name>/log

Sending logs to an external logging system

Our Cloud is based on Kubernetes and because of that our platform is highly customizable. One of the most powerful Kubernetes feature is the ability to add sidecar containers with the logging agent. We use Fluentd - it is an unified logging layer.

Currently we support integrations with the following solutions:

  • Loki
  • Azure Log Analytics
  • Datadog
  • New Relic

Using Fluentd Plugins we can integrate our Cloud with almost all popular external log aggregation platforms.

If you need to integrate with another external logging platform, please contact our support.