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# bigcommerce-theme package

theme for Vue Storefront 2 integration with BigCommerce.

# Remarks

The @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-theme library includes everything you need to develop your own VueStorefront 2 application integrated with BigCommerce .

# Enumerations

Enumeration Description
LogName Possible values of log names.
OrderStatus Possible values of order status.

# Functions

Function Description
useCart() Allows loading and manipulating cart of the current user.See the UseCartInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useCategory() Allows loading category tree list for current storefront and categories information. It can be also used to build breadcrumbs and search categories.See the UseCategoryInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useChannel() Allows loading current channel information.See the UseChannelInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useFilters() Allows loading filters available for products.See the UseFilterInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useGuestWishlist() Allows loading and manipulating wishlist of the guest user.See the UseGuestWishlistInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useLogger() Allows using VSF logger.See the UseLoggerInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useOrder() Allows searching for oders.See the UseOrderInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useOrderProducts() Allows searching for order products.See the UseOrderProductsInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useProduct() Allows searching for products.See the UseProductInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useReview() Allows searching for reviews and adding them to a product.See the UseReviewInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useSearchOrderByCart() Allows searching for order data by cart id.See the UseSearchOrderByCartInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useSortOptions() Allows retreiving sort options and selected sort option based on the route.See the UseSortOptionsInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useUiHelpers() Allows handling the parameters for filtering, searching, sorting and pagination in the URL search/query params.See the UseUiHelpersInterface for more information.
useUiNotification() Allows managing and showing notifications to the user.See the UseUiNotificationInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useUiState() Global store for managing UI state.See the UseUiStateInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useUser() Allows loading and manipulating current user information.See the UseUserInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useUserShipping() Allows loading and manipulating shipping addresses of the current user.See the UseUserShippingInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.

# Interfaces

Interface Description
AvailableChannel Computed config entry that includes also a link.
BigcommerceConfig Configuration for $bigcommerce plugin.
Breadcrumb Breadcrumb model.
Collection Collection object is derived from the common paginated collection from BigCommerce API
GetPaginationResponse Pagination object formatted for client-side
GuestWishlistItem Guest wishlist stored item.
InventoryValue Inventory tracking object with the current level, warning level and if its a product or variant
ItemAttribute Cart item attribute.
MultiStorefrontConfigEntry An entry of multi-storefront config.
Notifications Notifications.
OrderSummary Order summary use in mapping the BigCommerce OrderByCartResponse type to OrderSummary which is needed for sfUI components
Price Price used by SfPrice component.
SearchCategory Search category entry.
SearchResultNavigationItem Search result navigation item model.
SortOption Sort option.
Totals Wishlist total prices..
UiNotification A UI notification
UseCartErrors Cart actions errors.
UseCartInterface Data and methods returned from the useCart() composable
UseCategoryError useCategory errors.
UseCategoryInterface Data and methods returned from the useCategory() composable
UseChannelError useChannel errors.
UseChannelInterface Data and methods returned from the useChannel() composable.
UseFilterErrors useFilters composable errors.
UseFilterInterface Data and methods returned from the useFilters() composable
UseGuestWishlistInterface Data and methods returned from the useGuestWishlist() composable
UseLoggerInterface Data areturned from the useLogger() composable
UseOrderErrors useOrder composable errors.
UseOrderInterface Data and methods returned from the useOrder() composable
UseOrderProductsErrors Errors of useOrderProducts() composable
UseOrderProductsInterface Data and methods returned from the useOrderProducts() composable
UsePaginationInterface Data and methods returned from the usePagination() composable
UseProductErrors useProduct composable errors.
UseProductInterface Data and methods returned from the useProduct() composable
UseReviewErrors useReview composable errors.
UseReviewInterface Data and methods returned from the useReview() composable
UseReviewSearchParameters Parameters required and optional for loading product reviews
UseSearchOrderByCartErrors useOrderByCart composable errors.
UseSearchOrderByCartInterface Data and methods returned from the useSearchOrderByCart() composable
UseSortOptionsInterface Data returned from the useSortOptions() composable
UseUiHelpersInterface Data and methods returned from the useUiHelpers() composable.
UseUiNotificationInterface Data and methods returned from the useUiNotification() composable
UseUiStateInterface Data and methods returned from the useUiState() composable
UseUserErrors useUser composable errors.
UseUserInterface Data and methods returned from the useUser() composable
UseUserShippingErrors useUserShipping composable errors.
UseUserShippingInterface Data and methods returned from the useUserShipping() composable
UseWishlistErrors useWishlist composable errors.
VSFLogger Vue Storefront Logger
Wishlist A wishlist.
WishlistItemParams Parameters of wishlist item.

# Variables

Variable Description
useCartStore Cart [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
useCategoryTreeStore Category tree [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
useChannelStore Channel [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
useCustomerStore Customer [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
usePagination Computes a pagination by api collection object.See the UsePaginationInterface for a list of methods and values available in this composable.
useWishlist Allows loading and manipulating wishlist.
useWishlistStore Wishlist [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.

# Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
BigcommerceIntegrationContext Runtime integration context, which includes API client instance, settings, and endpoints that will be passed via middleware server.
CartItem Type alias for physical and digital cart items.
CartStore Cart [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
CategoryTreeStore Category tree [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
ChannelStore Channel [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
CustomerStore Customer [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.
LineItem Type alias for the item of AddLineItemsParameters line items array.
LoggerImplementation Type alias for logger implementation.
LogMessage Type alias for log message.
MultiStorefrontConfig Multi-storefront configuration.
PaginatedCollection Collection reactive type
UseWishlistInterface Data and methods returned from the useWishlist() composable
WishlistItem Wishlist stored item.
WishlistStore Wishlist [Pinia](https://pinia.vuejs.org/) store.