Home > @vsf-enterprise/bigcommerce-api > ProductModifier

# ProductModifier interface

Product modifier model.


export interface ProductModifier 

# Properties

Property Type Description
config ProductOptionConfig The values for option config can vary based on the Modifier created.
display_name string The name of the option shown on the storefront.
id number The unique numeric ID of the modifier; increments sequentially.
name string The unique option name. Auto-generated from the display name, a timestamp, and the product ID.
product_id number The unique numeric ID of the product to which the option belongs.
required boolean Whether or not this modifer is required or not at checkout. Required in a /POST.
sort_order number The order the modifiers display on the product detail page.
type ProductModifierType BigCommerce API, which determines how it will display on the storefront. Acceptable values: * date, * checkbox, * file, * text, * multi_line_text, * numbers_only_text, * radio_buttons, * rectangles, * dropdown, * product_list, * product_list_with_images, * swatch.Required in a /POST.