# Installing on Windows

Vue Storefront is based on open-source technologies, which should (in theory) work perfectly well on most of the leading operating systems. However, we're developing the project using MacOS and Linux machines.

# Requirements

  1. Please download Docker for Windows (opens new window) and install it on your machine. More Information (opens new window).
  2. Install LTS version of Node.js for Windows (opens new window).
  3. Instal Yarn (opens new window).
  4. You can use any editor for development, but we're using Visual Studio Code (opens new window) which is cool, free, and very JS-friendly!
  5. You can download Github Desktop (opens new window) to get access not only for fancy UI, but for the git toolset itself.

# Installation of vue-storefront-api

  1. Open your command line of choice with Git (opens new window) access or use Github desktop.
  2. Clone the vue-storefront-api (opens new window) project:
git clone https://github.com/vuestorefront/vue-storefront-api.git vue-storefront-api
  1. Go to vue-storefront-api in dir:
cd vue-storefront-api
  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Run Docker containers required by vue-storefront-api:
docker-compose up

This step can take a few minutes.

Note: If it appears that docker-compose is hanging, try opening a new terminal and continue to the next step using that terminal. Allow docker-compose to continue running in the background.

  1. Restore products database and run the latest migrations.
yarn restore
yarn migrate
  1. Copy config/default.json to config/local.json.
  2. Run API:
yarn dev

# Installation of vue-storefront

  1. Open your command line of choice with Git (opens new window) access or use Github desktop.
  2. Clone the vue-storefront (opens new window) project:
git clone --single-branch --branch master https://github.com/vuestorefront/vue-storefront-1.git vue-storefront
  1. Go to vue-storefront directory:
cd vue-storefront
  1. Install dependencies:
yarn install
  1. Copy config/default.json to config/local.json


We're using the powerful node.js library for config files. Check the docs to learn more about it: https://github.com/lorenwest/node-config (opens new window)

  1. Next install theme

  2. Run Vue Storefront Server:

yarn dev

Now you should have Vue Storefront running on localhost:3000.