
The category page contains filters in the sidebar. Each of these filters narrows down the list of product results and renders differently.

We introduced renderers for the most commonly used types and the mechanism to help you add and configure the filter list.


Before we discuss the mechanism that powers the filters list and how to configure it, let's explore the available renderers and when to use them:

  • Checkbox for selecting multiple options from a list,
  • Radio for selecting a single option from a list,
  • Color swatch for displaying a list of colors and selecting multiple options,
  • Yes/No for toggling between the true and false options.

You can find all of them in the modules/catalog/category/components/filters/renderer folder. The naming convention we used for these renderers is their type name followed by the Type keyword, e.g.: RadioType or CheckboxType.


Filters sidebar on the Category page is configured in the modules/catalog/category/config/config.ts file. It exports the config() function that returns an array of filter configurations. By modifying this array, you can configure filters, disable them, decide which renderers to use, etc.

Each filter can be customized using the following properties:

  • attrCode (required) - attribute code and that must match Magento's attribute code,
  • type (default: checkbox) - attribute type,
  • component (default: checkbox) - component to render,
  • disabled (default: false) - when set to true the attribute will not be displayed, nor affect the results.

Although the type and component fields might have the same values, they serve different purposes. It is best illustrated in the yesno renderer, whose type is yes_no, but the component used is radio. Even if renderers are the same, it's worth checking which component renders in the application.


To change the filters, open the modules/catalog/category/config/config.ts configuration file and update the array returned from the config() function.

Adding new filters

To add a new filter, add a new object to the array with at least the attrCode property. Such configuration will generate a checkbox filter because this is the default value for both the types and component properties.

return [
+  {
+    attrCode: 'capacity',
+  },
  // Other filters

Disabling filters

To disable a filter, set that filter's disabled property to true.

return [
    attrCode: 'material',
-    disabled: false,
+    disabled: true,
  // Other filters

GraphQL query

If you want to see or modify the way the application loads the filters, see the following files:

  • modules/catalog/category/components/filters/command/getProductFilterByCategoryCommand.ts file for request handler,
  • modules/catalog/category/components/filters/command/getProductFilterByCategory.gql.ts for GraphQL query.

Adding new filter type and renderer

Creating a new renderer

To create a new renderer, open the modules/catalog/category/components/filters/renderer folder and add a new file following the naming convention mentioned in the Renderers section, for example CustomType.vue.

Every renderer must:

  • Emit selectFilter event whenever an option is selected (type: AggregationOption). Otherwise parent component will not know about the change.

    <input @input="$emit('selectFilter', $">
  • Accept the filter prop (type: Aggregation)

    export default {
      props: {
        filter: {
          type: Object as PropType<Aggregation>,
          required: true

Once you have your custom renderer in place, you have to add a new renderer type to the enum located in the modules/catalog/category/components/filters/renderer/RendererTypesEnum.ts file.

enum RendererTypesEnum {
+  CUSTOM = 'CustomType',
  // Other types

Finally, to use the new renderer, open the modules/catalog/category/config/config.ts configuration file and update the array returned from the config() function.

return [
+  {
+    attrCode: 'custom',
+    type: FilterTypeEnum.RADIO, // Value of this property might be different
+    component: RendererTypesEnum.CUSTOM,
+  }
  // Other filters