1.0.0 Backward incompatible changes reference

In this document, you can see crucial breaking changes in the 1.0.0 comparing to 1.0.0-rc.10 release. To see all changes, please take a look at the release pull request (opens new window)

File What is changed
composables/useReview The directory has been moved to the modules/customer/composables/useReview directory
getters/cartGetters File has been moved to the modules/checkout/getters directory
enums/stockStatusEnum The file has been removed. From now please use ProductStockStatus from '`modules/GraphQL/types' instead of enums/stockStatusEnum
test-utils/* All files under the test-utils directory have been moved to the tests/unit directory
utilities/directives/click-outside/click-outside-directive The file has been moved to the components/directives/click-outside directory
enums/imageEnums.js The file has been deleted. Please use imageSizes object directly in the useImage composable packages/theme/composables/useImage/index.ts file
enums/cookieNameEnum.js the file has been removed. Cookie names are part of the middleware.config.js from now
getters/_utils.ts The file has been removed
getters/index.ts The file has been removed. Please import getters from modules.
getters/storeConfigGetters.ts The file has been removed. StoreConfig getters were not used
getters/storeGetters.ts The file has been removed. Store getters were not used
getters/types.d.ts The file has been removed. All types of getters are available in getters in modules.
getters/review The file has been moved to the modules/review/getters directory
modules/magento The Magento module has been renamed to the core module
pages/ResetPassword.vue The file has been moved to the modules/customer/pages/MyAccount directory
pages/Checkout/ExternalCheckoutThankYou.vue The file has been removed
routes.js Definiton of the Reset password route has been moved to the customer module
nuxt.config.js We added support for local HTTPS certificates and for now you need to install https certificate on your localhost and if you want to run app in production mode on localhost, you have to use the yarn start:local instead of yarn start. You can find more information about that in our docs: Installation → Configure integration → Generate certificate for a local development