
Find more information about @nuxtjs/google-gtag (opens new window)


First, you need to add the @nuxtjs/google-gtag (opens new window) to your application:

yarn add @nuxtjs/google-gtag

Then, on the nuxt.config.js file, you need to add it to the modules key.

  modules: [
    // Simple usage

    // With options
    ['@nuxtjs/google-gtag', { /* module options */ }]

Or you can configure it using the top level options

  modules: [
  'google-gtag': {
    id: 'UA-XXXX-XX',
    config: {
      anonymize_ip: true, // anonymize IP 
      send_page_view: false, // might be necessary to avoid duplicated page track on page reload
      linker: {
        domains: ['domain.com','domain.org']
    debug: true, // enable to track in dev mode
    disableAutoPageTrack: false, // disable if you don't want to track each page route with router.afterEach(...).
    additionalAccounts: [{
      id: 'AW-XXXX-XX', // required if you are adding additional accounts
      config: {
        send_page_view: false // optional configurations

More information about the module options (opens new window)