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# CatalogEndpoints interface

Catalog related API endpoints


export interface CatalogEndpoints 

# Methods

Method Description
getCatalogs(context, params) Returns a list of catalogs.
getHierarchies(context, params) Returns all hierarchies from the catalog.
getHierarchyChildren(context, params) Returns the child nodes for the root node of the specified hierarchy.
getHierarchyNodes(context) Returns all the nodes except the root node for the latest hierarchy.
getNodeChildren(context, params) Returns the child nodes for a node in the catalog.
getNodes(context, params) Returns all nodes in the catalog.
getProduct(context, params) Returns a specified product.
getProducts(context, params) Retrieves the list of products from the catalog. Only the products in a live status are retrieved.
getProductsByHierarchy(context, params) Returns the products associated with the specified hierarchy in the catalog. The products must be in the live status.
getProductsByNode(context, params) Returns the products associated with the specified hierarchy node in the catalog. The product must be in the live status.