# v1.2.1 release notes

# Introduction

In this release, we fixed issues:

  • missing mobile images for SfHero component,
  • missing desktop images for SfCallToAction component.

# Bug fix

# pages/Checkout.vue

+ /*
+  * Fix to the bug: https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-ui/issues/2366.
+  * Bug is realted to @storefront-ui/core v0.13.0.
+  * Images are passed by props to SfCalToAction component where they are assigned to scss vars, but in the wrong way.
+  * This fix sets up mobile image for mobile devices and desktop image for desktop devices.
+  */
+ .sf-call-to-action {
+   background-image: var(--_call-to-action-background-image);
+   @include for-desktop {
+     background-image: var(--_call-to-action-background-desktop-image, --_call-to-action-background-image);
+   }
+ }
# pages/Home.vue

.sf-hero-item {
+ /*
+   * Fix to the bug: https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-ui/issues/2365.
+   * Bug is realted to @storefront-ui/core v0.13.0.
+   * Images are passed by props to SfHero component where they are assigned to scss vars, but in the wrong way.
+   * This fix sets up mobile image for mobile devices and desktop image for desktop devices.
+   */
+ background-image: var(
+   --hero-item-background-image-mobile,
+   --hero-item-background-image
+ );
+ @include for-desktop {
+   background-image: var(--hero-item-background-image);
+ }


+ /*
+  * Fix to the bug: https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-ui/issues/2366.
+  * Bug is realted to @storefront-ui/core v0.13.0.
+  * Images are passed by props to SfCalToAction component where they are assigned to scss vars, but in the wrong way.
+  * This fix sets up mobile image for mobile devices and desktop image for desktop devices.
+  */
+ .sf-call-to-action {
+   background-image: var(--_call-to-action-background-image);
+   @include for-desktop {
+     background-image: var(--_call-to-action-background-desktop-image, --_call-to-action-background-image);
+   }
+ }