# v1.0.3 release notes

# Introduction

In the 1.0.3 released we:

  • migrated to Node 16, which from this release is the minimum version required for this integration,
  • upgraded to 2.5.6 version of the @vue-storefront/core package,
  • improved performance by optimizing images in templates,
  • removed the id parameter from the useCategoryTree composable.

To upgrade your projects, follow the instructions below.

# Upgrade to Node 16

The integration starting from this release requires Node 16. There are no changes that need to be applied to the projects unless you use 3rd party dependencies not present in Vue Storefront by default that don't support it.

To ensure that you don't run an older version of Node by mistake, add the engines configuration to the package.json file:

# package.json

+ "engines": {
+   "node": ">=16.x"
+ }

# Remove parameter from the useCategoryTree composable

The BigCommerce API responds with the same category tree every time you call the load method from the useCategoryTree composable. For this reason, there is no need to pass the ID to the useCategoryTree composable because it can share the data between multiple instances. For this reason, we decided to remove the ID parameter from this composable, so you should do it too in your project.

# components/AppHeader.vue

- const { categoryTreeItems, load: categorySearch } = useCategoryTree('category-tree');
+ const { categoryTreeItems, load: categorySearch } = useCategoryTree();
# pages/Category.vue

- const { categoryTreeItems, load: loadCategoryTree } = useCategoryTree('category-tree');
+ const { categoryTreeItems, load: loadCategoryTree } = useCategoryTree();
# pages/Product.vue

- const { categoryTreeItems, load: categorySearch } = useCategoryTree('category-tree');
+ const { categoryTreeItems, load: categorySearch } = useCategoryTree();