Cards configuration

To accept debit/credit card payments, you have to add scheme to the availablePaymentMethods array in nuxt.config.js:

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  modules: [
    ['@vsf-enterprise/adyen-magento2/nuxt', {
      availablePaymentMethods: [
      // ...

Saving customer cards

You can enable storing cards for authenticated users by setting the value of recurringPayments.

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  modules: [
    ['@vsf-enterprise/adyen-magento2/nuxt', {
      recurringPayments: true,
      availablePaymentMethods: [
      // ...

Then you have to follow these instructions (opens new window) to enable one-click transactions in Adyen Magento2 plugin.

We support One-click transactions via Billing agreegments approach described in the document above. Magento Vault is not supported.

Now users will be able to select cards they decided to save in previous transactions and only provide a CVC/CVV number.

Card Drop-in configuration

You can provide optional configuration for cards.

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  modules: [
    ['@vsf-enterprise/adyen-magento2/nuxt', {
      recurringPayments: true,
      availablePaymentMethods: [
      methods: {
        card: {
          hasHolderName: false

List of available properties can be found here (opens new window).

Values of enableStoreDetails and showStoredPaymentMethods are based on recurringPaymentsEnabled setting and cannot be overwritten.